Friday, November 6, 2020

Sleeping Nation



By Rachel Jamerson

“When speakers need police escort on and off college campuses, an alarm bell should be going off that something has gone seriously awry”  ~Heather McDonald from her book ‘The Diversity Delusion’

There was a time when we trusted our leaders to make decisions based on the principles supported by our founding fathers.  However, while we focused on our personal pursuits, the enemy infiltrated our government, schools, colleges, state and local governments as well as other powerful groups influencing our society.  Anti-American rhetoric has spread across our nation like a poison fog silently seeping into every crevice. Stealing our youth and destroying the bedrock upon which our nation was founded.   Our children on college campuses have been indoctrinated in the ideology that if the message is something you don’t want to hear you have the right to silence it.

We are a sleeping nation that is systematically being taken over by those who oppose our Constitution, freedoms, and way of life.  It is very alarming to realize how much sovereignty we have already lost.  Can our nation be rescued?  Or are we doomed to become a country governed by socialism with a disregard for individual rights?

Also read: "The Degeneration of a Nation"

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