Thursday, October 22, 2020

The Presidential Dilemma 2020

The Presidential Dilemma 2020

Given on October 20th 2020

This article is only a personal opinion and not something that has already happened.

By Eric William King

What I am about to share is a possibility based on facts. I am going to say what I believe would happen if President Donald Trump loses the coming re-election. I decided to call this short article, “The Presidential Dilemma 2020” only to get the attention of my readers. I truly believe that it is possible that President Trump could lose to Joe Biden. If he does lose I believe that it will be by a close call. It will look like Trump barely lost in “key states”.

Next we will hear of many police officers leaving their jobs. Many military people will choose not to reenlist. Then there will be much trouble in the streets. Many will leave certain States and want to leave America.  Next, the Republicans will win the house. To some this will look like a prearranged agreement….”Let Biden win, keep the house.” (I am sure donors will pay for this.)

The federal government now has dirt on Biden to use him for their purposes…they want him to win and will make sure that he does. The “dirt” that they have on him will be used to control him for the speeded up plan of “Global Government”.

Certain news networks could be attacked and riots will probably break out. It will be a terrible time for many living in certain cities. Militias will act out with extreme anger. Religious groups will protest on large scales and many more Americans will go into poverty (more than 8 million). Freedom of speech & religion will be attacked like never before.

International commotion will break out like never before within one year. Why? Because ruthless leaders do not fear Democrats.

Nancy Pelosi will sign a bill which gives much money to the already falling apart Democrat governed States. The Democrats will start propagating how quickly Covid cases are supposedly dropping. They will “approve” their own cure. There will be revolutionary movements like never seen before. Quite frankly, it could turn out to be hell on Earth.

(If Biden loses, still many who hate Trump will do stupid things and riots will happen. Either way some chaos will break out and new movements will appear.)

Note: Shortly after the Biden win God may send some huge earthquakes to warn of what is yet to come. Even if Trump wins big quakes are coming. We may even experience some “signs in the heavens”.

If all of this does happen I truly believe that the appearance of the final Antichrist is near.

Whoever wins we know by Bible prophecy that the Rapture is imminent and that things will get worse for the world…bad choices will have consequences.

As true Christians we need to pray for a peaceful Presidential transition no matter what happens. We need to truly trust in God [YhVh]. God has a plan and nothing can stop it. God is in control.

Pray without ceasing.

Resting in Jesus the Christ, the King of kings.

Eric William King (October 20th 2020)

Note: If these events do not happen many prayers have been answered. TSW is praying for peace.

Also Read...Is the Third Dispensation repeating itself?


All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.

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