Tuesday, August 24, 2021

TSW Predictions going into 2022


TSW Predictions going into 2022

Here at TSW we sometimes make predictions based on many forms of data. We do this for fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to stay awake, aware and alert to what is going on with our planet and what yet may happen to keep us safe and to help prepare.

The Bible speaks of a great war in the Middle East called the war of “Gog and Magog”. We have warned about this for five years. It will come in three phases. The Christian church will probably witness the first phase.

What we see happening in Afghanistan is the shaking up process in the first phase. Meanwhile, the immigration crisis is weakening our (USA) economy ultimately. We also are witnessing the release of ‘hard criminals’ into the cities and now, with the creation of a terrorist country we face greater threats from radical Islam.

All together we have a mixed “soup of terror” right before us. TSW is predicting a radical realignment of Middle Eastern strength. We predict that ultimately China will seize Afghanistan and expand their territory. America has basically handed it over to them.

Also, the purposeful weakening of America is to bring down the upper “middle class” and is modeled after the Chinese government. Russia, China and Mongolia may participate in the radical restructuring of the Middle East.

Other nations which we will witness become much weaker are Canada, Britain, Australia, and New Zealand.

The War Dream (August 24th 2021)

By Eric William King (Founder of TSW)

I wish to share a dream that I had the other night also. I don’t usually share my dreams but this one was extremely frightening. In my dream it was late in the evening and I was walking on a giant runway with very open space around it, houses or structures could be seen many miles away. There were others walking on this runway and driving on it. A large jet came roaring down the runway barely missing some people walking. As it took off a large fuel engine was heard shaking the ground

All of a sudden a large gray-black missile was seen shooting into the air. I watched it along with others as it came down in the far distance. It was a nuclear explosion. This dream was so clear and better than any Hollywood special effects. I watched as the mushroom cloud ascended high into the sky and the plume of smoke on the ground started to spread out from the center of the explosion.

I began running even though I knew it had blown up 100 miles away. I ran and ran, occasionally looking behind me only to notice the plume of smoke on the ground gaining. I finally made it far enough away to stop and observe. I watched as the smoke slowed down and came within a 100 yards from me and stopped. Unfortunately I witnessed three or four people who got caught in the smoke and a large flame came out and swallowed them up. Wow! This dream was extremely disturbing. What does this mean? We pray it doesn’t really happen but it could most certainly be a warning that some major war is soon to happen.

The Political Planet Reshaping

Things to watch for starting now and into 2022;

1-Some severe economic problems in America. (also some major leadership changes)

2-Middle East war and restructuring. (China will move like never before)

3-More severe weather. (which will continue to impact the economy)

4-Strange signs in the heavens. (disturbances along with more UFO activity)

5-Large earthquakes. (along with strange sink holes)

Waves of civil unrest will also be witnessed on much larger scales. We will witness new manifestations of what has become known as “hybrid war”. - The use of computer attacks and the purposeful manufacturing of civil disturbances all for the purpose of making America and other democratic nations become more like communist China – for world control.

In all of this Europe will seek stronger independence for the sake of its own protection. As Europe does this it is preparing to ultimately fulfill the Bible prophecy of a new “super power” – The New Roman Empire.

The Good News is that all true “born again” Christians will be leaving this planet soon and will return with Jesus Christ to set up the true Paradise on Earth! Remember brothers and sisters, Jesus the Christ is our only true King and we are ambassadors of His Kingdom…it is time to get busy sharing the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Stay with us here at TSW & Nugget of Truth,

Eric William King (August 24th 2021)


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