Sunday, August 15, 2021

Rapture – The Purification of the Church


Rapture – The Purification of 

the Church

By Eric William King

When the prophet Daniel explains how the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ will be set up he explains that he saw a “rock fall from heaven” and it hits the symbolic statue made of metal which represents the fallen kingdoms of this world. It destroys all Earth’s fallen kingdoms and spreads throughout the planet. [Daniel 2:34-35; Daniel 2:44-45]

This will be the setting up of Christ’s kingdom on earth. We notice that this “rock” which comes from heaven is “cut out of a mountain without hands”. [Daniel 2:45] This “rock” represents Christ and His saints which are “built upon the rock”. The mountain that it is “cut out of” represents Spiritual Zion – the Zion of Heaven.

How is it finally “cut out”? The Rapture! It is cut out of the Christian churches claiming to be followers of Jesus Christ. True Christians are members of that “Heavenly Zion”. When God sends His holy angels to rapture His saints from this planet they will all be “cut out [of earth’s churches] but not with human hands”. They will be called out and called up.

This will be the “Purification of the Christian Church”. Only those true saints who are “born again” will comprise this coming kingdom. Those left behind must come to the realization that they never truly spent time with Christ. They were only Christian in name. The purified church will return with Jesus Christ at the end of the Seven Year Tribulation (the rock hitting the feet of the statue) and help to set up the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus Christ.

There will arise the “two witnesses” after the Church is Caught Up [Raptured]. These two witnesses will prophesie and warn all of those left behind for the first three and one half years of the Seven Year Tribulation.

The last three and a half years the 144,000 will come to greater light. These will comprise 12,000 people “sealed” (1200 from each of the twelve tribes) with the final message (from the 12 literal tribes of Ancient Israel). They will call to literal and scattered Israel to return to the Lord.

There will be “tribulation saints”, people not of the church which had been raptured but will be numbered amongst the saved.

The True Gospel – Today’s Sealing Message

True “born again” Christians have been sealed by the Holy Spirit. “Having believed you were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are God’s [purchased] possession – the  praise of His glory.” [Ephesians 1:14-15]

During the time of the first apostles “title deeds” (property deeds) were written on scrolls and sealed with wax seals. (Jeremiah 32:8-15; Ruth 4:1-14) The person who purchased a title deed was called the “redeemer”. (Ruth4:1) These title deeds, if good, contained the entire history of the land or property in question. It (the scroll) was usually written on both sides (Jeremiah 32:8-15).

There were two copies madeone sealed and one open. (Jeremiah 32:11)

So our Christian Bibles are copies of this important “title deed” – the “open” copy. Our Bibles contain the will of God and God loves us so much that he has given us the complete story in the Bible (written on “both sides” – Old & New Testaments). We call it “the Vision of ALL”. (Isaiah 29:11)

The true Gospel of Jesus Christ is found in the Scroll – our Holy Bibles. To be a true Christian is to study the Word of God, to have repented of all your sins and to have accepted Jesus Christ as your only Savior.

Will you accept Jesus the Christ?

To be truly saved and a child of God you must hear the Word of Truth and accept it. It will involve inconvenience from this fallen world. But this will not deter the true followers of Christ. We have a duty as ambassadors of the “coming Kingdom” to share the Gospel message with the world. Today we here at “The Shepherds Way” & “Nugget of Truth” invite you to study with us [the Church] and invite Jesus Christ into your life.

As a true Christian you will inherit the Kingdom of God!

Praying for those truly seeking always,

Eric William King (August 14th 2021)


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