Saturday, August 14, 2021



“Looking forward to that wonderful time we’ve been expecting, when his glory shall be seen—the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.”


Freelance writer Lupie Riley

Thought:  The Jewish nation looked forward to their coming King but did not recognize the Messiah as their King.  One day soon, Jesus will reveal Himself to them and they will be grieved as to why they failed to recognize him as their King while He was in human form.  At that time their will be a great revival among the Jewish nation. 

Believers who have trusted in the Truth of the scriptures and have invited Christ into their lives will have a part in His return to set up his Kingdom on Earth.  Prior to those seven years of judgement, there will be an evacuation of his children called the rapture for they are not a part of this judgement.  Those who are raptured will have these things as a reward.  John 1:12 “But to all who received him, he gave the right to become children of God.  All they needed to do was to trust him to save them”

Meeting Jesus face to face; believers blessed hope. Titus 2:13 “Looking forward to that wonderful time we’ve been expecting, when his glory shall be seen—the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ.”

New immortal bodies like Jesus after his resurrection; I Cor. 15:51,52,53 “But I am telling you this strange and wonderful secret; we shall not all die, but we shall all be given new bodies! It will all happen in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, when the last trumpet is blown”

New homes He has prepared for us; John 14:2 “Let not your heart be troubled.  You are trusting God, now trust in me.  There are many homes up there where my Father lives, and I am going to prepare them for your coming.”

No tears or sickness; Rev. 21:4 “He will wipe away all tears from their eyes and there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying, nor pain.  All of that has gone forever.”

No temptation to sin; Rev. 20:2,3 “He seized the Dragon—that old Serpent, the devil, Satan—and bound him in chains for 1,000 years and threw him into the bottomless pit, which he then shut and locked so that he could not fool the nations any more until the thousand years were finished.” 

Earth restored; Jesus’ return as King of the world will restore the earth to it’soriginal glory.  Isa. 66:22 “As surely as my new Heaven and Earth shall remain, so surely shall you always be my people.”  (Speaking to the Jews but also to future generations).

Prayer:  Father God.  You tell me not to be fearful or anxious if we trust in your promise of a better future for all your children.  I put my trust in you and your Word. Amen

Verse:  I Cor. 2:9 “That is what is meant by the Scriptures which say that no mere man has ever seen or heard or even imagined what wonderful things God has ready for those who love the lord”


Married 58 years, four children, nine grandchildren and three greats. I've been a freelance writer for over 40 years. Working on a book at the present. My priorities are God first, family, country.

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