Monday, January 18, 2021

Inauguration 2021


Inauguration Day 2021

I believe that God may be calling President Trump away from the presidency to focus on helping save our “Freedom of Speech”. Doesn’t it make sense that only somebody like Trump could destroy those businesses who are trying to control us?

Also, a lot of our churches are praying on Inauguration Day 2021. Many are going to be worshiping God and forgetting all the politicians. Why not just pray that day for God to take care of everything? Think He can’t? He can and will take care of everything.

Eric W. King (January 9th 2021)

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1 comment:

  1. Political Quagmire
    As soon as the “Temple of America” [as Nancy Pelosi calls it] which to her is the congress building, gets raided she throws a fit but when privately owned businesses by hard working American families (we who pay for this country and the politicians we decide to put in office) are burned down by rioters well, we won’t prosecute those “thugs”, but when you touch the house of the “elites”, all of a sudden everybody goes to jail.
    “The Christian family in America” comprises the temple of America. The moral hard working families are what make America strong, not some over paid politician sitting behind a desk in Washington.
    The over spoiled and over paid politicians haven’t a clue of what REAL hard American life is like. May God help us all.
    Nancy Massy (Student of TSW & Nugget of Truth)



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