Saturday, July 16, 2022

The Riots coming at end of 2022 and into 2023!


TSW Predictions of extreme riots!

The tyranny of democracy...and the coming RIOTS!

The Greek philosopher Plato stated; "tyranny naturally arises out of democracy, and the most aggravated form of tyranny and slavery out of the most extreme form of liberty." (The Republic, Book VIII).

America was created to be a "Republic" and not a chaotic "democracy". Remember, "under the REPUBLIC for which it stands"? We are about to witness the chaos of a full fledged democracy where the uneducated masses of a now decadent nation cry like spoiled rotten teenagers to get "their way". What is "their way"? Uneducated chaos!

Here at TSW we are predicting that soon here in America and elsewhere we will witness riots and chaos on the streets and in the cities - even neighborhoods will experience the wrath of the "fruits" of a Godless democracy gone wild.

Again, we are predicting extreme riots to break forth soon along with pillaging and violence starting before the end of this year and episodes going into next year.

Stay with us here at TSW & Nugget of Truth.

Remain in God's Word,

Eric W. King (July 16th 2022)

All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.

Read some of Eric's important messages.................................

*When the Satellites fall...WW3 will Commence!

*Iran in Africa 

*Extreme Anxiety & Change

*Putin won't get what he wants

*The coming food shortage

*Abortion 2022

*Predictions going into June 2022 and into Next Year!

TSW Popular Posts

1 comment:

  1. We had warned about extreme riots in the cities and elsewhere. What have we witnessed this month? A “flash mob” of looters ransacked a 7-Eleven in Los Angeles earlier this week taking of cigarettes, snacks and other goods.

    So where are we headed dear America?



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