Saturday, May 7, 2022

Abortion 2022 the subject of killing babies continues. Most people do not realize that it was Dr. Bernard Nathanson & Dr. Lawrence Lader who started the business of aborting children on a new level. These two men coined the term; "Freedom of Choice" and "Women must have control over their bodies."

So it was two atheistic men that started the whole controversy at a new level. They founded the first human killing organization known as NARAL. Now, the current president and vice president of the United States wants the Federal Government to control and regulate the killing of children.

As true Christians we value the gift of human life as a most sacred and blessed responsibility given to us by our Creator - Divine Intelligence.

I would encourage you to watch a past lecture that I gave on the subject of "Creation" which touches the sacred subject of human life and the topic of abortion. Please watch and share with others.

~Eric W. King May 7th 2022

Read some of Eric's recent important messages.................................

*What are you watching for?

*Worldly conditions 2022

*The Revealing

*Extreme Anxiety & Change

*Putin won't get what he wants

*The coming food shortage

All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.

When does human life begin?
E.W.King gives Biblical insight to this question.

Above: E.W.King asks; "Life, Creation...when did it begin? 
This should get you interested in how it all began.

"Your child isn’t simply a mass of tissue; 
he or she is a human being in God’s eyes.”
-Billy Graham

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