Friday, April 8, 2022


The Revealing!................................................April 8th 2022

The Revealing.....the Book of Revelation is called in the Greek, Apokalypsis. It literally means "the unveiling" or "the revealing". Today many people read the Book of Revelation and find its content to be extremely unintelligible. Why? Because the language it uses is mostly symbolicwritten using a code of language used over 2000 years ago.

NonethelessJesus Christ states that He can and is revealing these sacred codes to us today. The original Church of God (first called Christians in Antioch) is still here and has the code to understand the prophecy (Revelation) in its fullest sense. 

It contains the information of what is to occur on "the Lord's day". This is not a literal 24 hour day, it is not a Saturday or Sunday - it is the Day of God's Wrath! The prophet Zephaniah and Isaiah and Joel refer to this time along with many other of the prophets. Apostle John in vision was was transported to what will happen during this time of great judgment. This time involves what has popularly become known as, "The Great Tribulation".

The prophet Daniel was told that many of the visions he was shown were to be "sealed to the time of the end". The Apokalypsis is the unveiling of Daniel's prophecies along with the understanding of the complete Bible. The Bible itself could not fully be understood until the Apokalypsis, the revealing which is the opening of the Seven Seals.

Only on this website (The Shepherds Way & Nugget of Truth) will you truly get what the Seven Seals represent and the contents of them after being opened by "the Lamb of God", Jesus the Christ.

Also, we must understand that our planet is really no longer ruled by individual governments as much as it is ruled by Oligarchies.  Even the United States is no longer a republic or democracy but instead it is ruled by a handful of rich families. These families compete with each other and have taken sides. One group is "conservative" and the other "liberal". The United States is divided into two major camps thus we are a nation divided.

Even Vladimir Putin is exposing these realities of oligarchies and the fight they all have for a "One World Order". The Book of Revelation helps us to understand these things in greater detail and proves just how close we are to the end of this current system of things.

Prophecy is extremely important for true Christians. Most of the Bible contains prophecy and "the testimony of Jesus Christ is the Spirit of Prophecy" (Revelation 19:10).

Christians need to wake up! Jesus told us to "watch" and to "understand". Prophecy is part of the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and is the needed spiritual food that we need today.

May you keep studying with us,

Eric William King (April 8th 2022)


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