When the Satellites fall...WW3 Will Commence!
I rarely share dreams. Many who study here and visit here have read my dream about a nuclear explosion.I had it before Russia invaded the Ukraine. I had another very clear dream the other night and I know that I should share it with you all.
In this dream I witnessed a "space war" if you will, which involved satellites falling from the sky. The next thing I know people are running all over planet earth yelling; "World War 3 has commenced!"
Satan is the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4) and he knows that his time is short. We have watched how the Evil One has used all the so called "tragedies" to invoke more government control over the people. What we are witnessing now is deeply sobering. We are watching inflation continue to raise the prices of everything. We have watched people in general become more and more violent. We are witnessing the first phase of the war, "Gog & Magog" which looks to have no end in sight but instead continued escalation.
Another frequent occurrence is how the federal government picks and chooses who it wishes to hold accountable for breaking the law. Top politicians are simply "let off the hook" more often now for extremely severe crimes. Corruption is peeking on every level.
Soon, just as we predicted at the beginning of this year, food shortages around the globe will increase. In some areas it will be severe. I urge you to watch my video lecture on; "The Coming food shortage 2022" to get more details.
As far as what my dream I mentioned means, it could be that this planet will enter WW3 sooner than later. We must continue to study God's word and pray. Stick with us here at TSW & Nugget of Truth.
Always in God's word,
Eric W. King (June 11th 2022)

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Read some of Eric's important messages.................................
*Putin won't get what he wants
*Predictions going into June 2022 and into Next Year!
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