Saturday, June 4, 2022

One Reason You May Be Frustrated


One Reason You May Be Frustrated

by Tonya Taylor

Do all things without grumbling and faultfinding and complaining [against God] and questioning and doubting [among yourselves],--Philippians 2:14, AMPC

I spent most of my life (and I'm now in my mid-50s) being critical, scornful, and otherwise very negative, much more than being positive. 

Not good (to use a sentence fragment!). In fact (to use another), very, very bad! 

Although my family and other relatives were good people--generous, helpful, faithful to their own, and overall, "successful" as the world sees things--they had not been taught the power of their attitudes and words.

Neither was I taught much about that, although I'll be forever grateful that my dear parents taught me to say "Thank you", "Please", and "Yes, Sir" and "No, Ma'am", etc. Those are a big deal, and I taught them to my daughter and have and do teach them to my students. 

Even though I was born again when I was nine (Praise the LORD, my parents took me to church long enough for me to get saved in Vacation Bible School. Hallelujah!), and that is the faithfulness of God. 

However, my born-again experience made me a baby Christian, and there was (and is, and forever will be!) so much to learn about the victorious Christian life! 

Besides tithing and giving money and service and material possessions and encouragement and prayers, etc., as the LORD leads, there is another vital matter that we must understand and control: our heart-attitudes and our words! 

For out of the heart come evil thoughts (reasonings and disputings and designs) such as murder, adultery, sexual vice, theft, false witnessing, slander, and irreverent speech.--Matthew 15:19, AMPC

The enemy of our souls wants to use our thoughts and words to speak his evil plan, the intent of which is always destruction. 

We have to learn these things. Words are powerful tools the LORD has given us, and He intends us to use them to do good. 

I did not know this for years and years, but the LORD started teaching me, and it's been a very long process, which I'm still getting victory in. He is helping me, and He's taught me that much of my frustration as a true Believer has come through me thinking wrong thoughts and then speaking wrong words.

The bottom line is, I was unthankful!

Being unthankful was the root of my griping, judging, criticizing, scorning, anger, etc. 

This is not a deep teaching, and I'm not a counselor. However, Jesus, the Wonderful Counselor, lives in us as the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth (John 16), when we truly receive Christ Jesus as our Savior and LORD, and He keeps teaching us the ways of God. He always uses the Word, and will never teach us or lead us in any way that is against God's Word, amen! (What a rest and relief! We can totally, forever, trust the LORD to lead us in right paths, for His Name's sake (Psalm 23!)). 

The LORD revealed to me that the root of my frustration was being ungrateful, unthankful. 

There have, as I've heard from various ministers through the years, been many people that have literally become insane (and are now in asylums, etc.), because they became very unthankful! The enemy loves to get our minds off of God and His goodness (which is one reason the LORD tells us to approach Him with thanksgiving (Psalm 100 and many more!), and to set our mind on good things--and there are many! 

Yes, I know there is much junk in the world, but the LORD can help us think higher--and spend more time reading His Word and listening to Godly programming, instead of junky, negative news! It works! My husband and I have been doing that a few years, and our lives are much less negative and much more positive.  

Much unthankfulness can come because of unmet expectations and disappointments. Ask me how I know! But when we keep our minds on God, and expect from Him, and remember and rehearse His faithfulness, mercy, goodness, and grace to us, we can forget the negatives and have more joy!

We have to learn not to expect from people--even high spiritual leaders, which was a big challenge I had to overcome, even this year! I want my leaders to be better than me, but truly, the only Leader Who is better than me is the LORD Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith, and the Captain of our Salvation! He alone is perfect! 

The LORD will help us. He is our Help and our Shield, our High Tower, and we the (born-again righteous can run into Him--His Name!--and be safe--physically, emotionally, mentally, and more!

His Spirit will help us to focus on the good, and just start thanking Him out loud, and writing down things we are thankful for. It's simple, but powerful, and my husband and I do it. I've also taught students in public school to do it, and they love it! So do their parents! 

So, you can also repent (ask His forgtiveness) for being unthankful. One way to do that is to ask the LORD to forgive you for judging others (We've all done it, but it's not our job. I'm preaching to myself as well!), and then to forgive them for however they've hurt and/or disappointed you. Very often, they are not even aware that you've been offended--hurt--by them!

You can also and ask the LORD for grace to be more thankful. He will definitely answer that prayer, and is helping you right now, as you read this article! 

Another way to help you get on track to be more thankful is to start saying, 'I thank You, LORD, for all Your goodness to me! Please remind me, dear Holy Spirit, of the many things God has done for me!"

He will! 

You can also speak the Word of God out loud, and here's a great Scripture to start with:  Psalm 103:17-18 (AMPC).

(The entire Psalm is excellent to say out loud, and as you do, the LORD will help you to start experiencing more thankfulness!): 17 But the mercy and loving-kindness of the Lord are from everlasting to everlasting upon those who reverently and worshipfully fear Him, and His righteousness is to children’s children— 18 To such as keep His covenant [hearing, receiving, loving, and obeying it] and to those who [earnestly] remember His commandments to do them [imprinting them on their hearts].

So, to stop being so frustrated, practice the simple and supernaturally powerful art of being thankful! 

Tonja K. Taylor lives to worship God. Her book, VISIONS OF THE KING: JESUS REVEALED, is now on Amazon, and her You Tube channel "River Rain Creative" has over 265 videos: audio books & teachings on faith; worship; writing; and more!
She does P.O.W.E.R.* Writer workshops, and tutors kids online.

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