Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Christian Rebellion

Time for True Christians to think!

The final Christian Rebellion

A massive rejection, like never experienced before, of true Christianity is upon us. Most all Christians are not prepared for what is coming to this planet. American Christians are not grounded enough in their faith nor do they have proper doctrine to root them in God's word.

Most do not have a firm understanding of the Christian Scriptures. This is why we ("The Shepherds Way" & "Nugget of Truth") exist! It is time to truly go deep into God's word.

Those who once attended a church are no longer going. One reason is because of all the false pagan and psychological junk that is being spewed out of "pastors" mouths. Also, all of the pagan religious jargon which allows immorality in their so called "spirituality". They talk about "Freedom" but true freedom involves morality. Our planet is in deep trouble.

Our Christian God [Ultimate Divine Intelligence] has instructed us regarding what is coming. He never lies! Forty percent of all babies born in the United States are born to unwed mothers. Children have no true father figure anymore. The homeless population is rising in every state. Where are all the Christians? 

Meanwhile, Christianity is under attack from the so called "liberal-left". They believe that some boys are actually girls and that some girls are actually boys. Sexual perversion along with Drag-queens dancing in front of little children...what do you think Jesus thinks about all of this perversion?

The Bible is God's true word. Modern skeptics attack God's word because they need an excuse to sin. It is extremely easy to to what all the other fallen "Romans" are doing, they want you to just "give in". Satan the Devil has taken advantage of this spiritual quackery. His demons get people to laugh at Christians and believe that they are "old fashion", "out of touch with reality".

Well, here are the facts. Everything that Jesus Christ warned about is happening. Our God does not lie. As true Christians it is time to get busy opening up our mouths and speaking the TRUTH like never before. Christians should be marching into the homeless mess and offering hope in Jesus the Christ. May God be with you all.

Stay here with us at "The Shepherds Way" & "Nugget of Truth".

E.W.King (March 22nd 2023)

Below is an older post which is just important.............


Hostility towards Christians will Increase

By Eric William King

I have been getting letters from fellow Christians on how they are being treated at the work place. If you hold to a moral standard you are picked on a persecuted and even fired from your job sometimes.

To even talk about moral issues upsets most people today. To be moral is to be “ignorant” or even “stupid”. Satan has broadcasted his fake message for so long that the condition of this planet is complete violenceliessexual perversion and mental illness.

When the “fallen ones” who, because of pride, refuse to listen to God they feel condemned and guilty. Instead of repenting they get violent and filled with hate. God tells the human race the true condition of its moral state and what must be done to fix it but the world is not interested.

Before God sent “the flood” we read; “Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight and was full of violence. God saw how corrupt the earth had become, for all people on earth had corrupted their ways.” (Genesis 6:12) We are also told that; “The Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on earth had become, and that every inclination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil all the time.” (Genesis 6:5)

Today’s world is no different. Saint Jude spoke regarding such a bad human condition, he said; “Yet these men speak abusively against whatever they do not understand; and what things they do understand by instinct, like unreasoning animals – these are the very things that destroy them.” (Jude 10) As a matter of fact, Scripture warns us; “And lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.” (Matthew 24:12)

As Christians we pray for the world and wish that everything was not getting any worse, but the fact is mans sinful nature has and will get the best of him. Things are not going to get better. Unfortunately humans will continue to use their gift of “freewill” to make selfish and sinful choices thinking that they know better than their Creator [Divine Intelligence]. As Christians we are instructed; “Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world [the fallen sinful world], the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world – the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does – comes not from the Father but from the world. The world and its desires pass away, but the man who does the will of God lives forever.” (1st John 2:15-17)

The Coming False Religion

The false religion that Satan is constructing for this world is a religio/political system. The Bible informs us that a “world order” is currently being constructed which we see involves Marxism and ultimately totalitarianism. The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse have been riding even before the final Anti-Christ appears.  This First Horse is “the spirit of the False Christ” [Anti-Christ]. (Matthew 24:4-5) He is concerned with the full establishment of the False Religion (Rev. 6:1-2). This false religion is being created now through the false religio/system and those whose pockets support it. It is a system that redefines what sin is and places all of its human “reason” and “logic” in place of Divine Intelligence. It is a selfish and prideful state of mind that thinks it knows better than God or the true message of Christianity.

First we will be taught that all the old religions must go. In fact the antichrist-spirit is teaching that Christianity has ruined this planet and that it must (at least in its current form) be removed. The fallen ones claim that Christianity “keeps one enslaved”, as a matter of fact Karl Marx taught this. Communism also teaches this lie. Today everybody is being taught that they are a “victim” and then they are taught to complain and cry about it really loud until they get everything for “free”.

The fallen ones see true Christianity (Ancient Antiochene Christianity – first called Christians in Ancient Antioch, Acts 11:26) as an obstacle that they must remove. Satan has begun his re-education plans in all of America’s public schools. They are trying to turn children’s minds away from the morality of the Christian Bible. What are they replacing it with? - Immoral trash and sexual perversion.

There is nothing wrong with patriotic prayer. Though we as true Christians are legitimate members of the Kingdom of God we are also on planet earth. While here we have a mission. We are to live, teach and share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the only hope for this lost world.

Sadly, we Americans are experiencing things that Jesus warned about. Fighting in the streets, violence, political division and Marxist God-hating groups along with pagan occultists are coming to light.

Our prayer from TSW is if you are a true Christian don’t give in or give up. All is happening just as our loving Heavenly Father informed us. God does not lie, just watch the news and see how accurate His word is.

Soon the true Kingdom of God will be established! Praise God!

Stay with us here beloved brothers & sisters in the Lord.

Eric William King (July 18th 2021)

(See original post)

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