Friday, March 10, 2023

TSW 2022 Predictions Coming True!


TSW 2022 Predictions Coming True!

Those who have been studying here with us for the last five years have seen just how accurate our God's word truly is! We have been witnesses! Watch the accuracy also of God's true "last-day church". We hope you continue to be ahead of the game and study with us here at "The Shepherds Way" & "Nugget of Truth". We are now in our sixth year of this extremely important ministry.

Stay in God's word and in prayer!

E.W.King (March 10th 2023)


The Political Planet Reshaping

Things to watch for starting now and into 2022;

1-Some severe economic problems in America. (also some major leadership changes)

2-Middle East war and restructuring. (China will move like never before)

3-More severe weather. (which will continue to impact the economy)

4-Strange signs in the heavens. (disturbances along with more UFO activity)

5-Large earthquakes. (along with strange sink holes)

Waves of civil unrest will also be witnessed on much larger scales. We will witness new manifestations of what has become known as “hybrid war”. - The use of computer attacks and the purposeful manufacturing of civil disturbances all for the purpose of making America and other democratic nations become more like communist China – for world control.

In all of this Europe will seek stronger independence for the sake of its own protection. As Europe does this it is preparing to ultimately fulfill the Bible prophecy of a new “super power” – The New Roman Empire.

The Good News is that all true “born again” Christians will be leaving this planet soon and will return with Jesus Christ to set up the true Paradise on Earth! Remember brothers and sisters, Jesus the Christ is our only true King and we are ambassadors of His Kingdom…it is time to get busy sharing the True Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Stay with us here at TSW & Nugget of Truth,

Eric William King (August 24th 2021) (See original post)

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