Friday, January 19, 2024

Lutheranism & Hasidic Christianity


Rebbe Eric William King

Lutheranism & Hasidic Christianity

The Ancient Antiochene Church of God

By Rebbe Eric William King – January 18th 2024

I wish to share with you exactly how The Ancient Antiochene Church of God understands the doctrine of salvation. Depending on context, the word “salvation” has many different applications. To fully understand Christian salvation, one must take some simple lessons regarding “repentance” and “regeneration”. 

The Ancient Antiochene Church of God believes that St. Martin Luther brought back the lost teachings of true salvation during the Great Reformation. We accept the Book of Concordia which was put together by St. Martin Luther and St. Philip Melanchthon (Starting in 1530 A.D.).

If you are truly interested in Ancient Antiochene theology you should secure a copy of the “Book of Concord”. We also urge our students to secure a copy of the Lutheran prayer book, “Lutheran Book of Prayer”. We also accept three ancient Christian creeds and these are:

1-The Apostles Creed

2-The Nicene Creed

3-The Athanasian Creed

Having stated these facts, we are not “Lutheran” in the sense of its present denominations. We hold to doctrines that they refuse to accept such as “Dispensational” understandings and we differ on many eschatological understandings. We also hold to many Patristic teachings from the first 400 years of the true Christian Church, before “Roman Catholics” or “Greek Orthodox” churches even existed. St. Martin Luther was not called into the ministry of eschatology, as a matter of fact, he believed that the “Book of Revelation” should be removed from the Bible.

More Controversial Aspects

Another interesting fact regarding “The Ancient Antiochene Church of God” is that we believe in the “gift of tongues”, both angelic and manmade tongues.

We believe that Christian Baptism can be by immersion or sprinkling (or washing). The early Christians understood that John the Baptist’s baptism was by immersion and had no real salvific functions. St. John was preparing people to repent, that they might be ready to accept the Christian baptism through the Messiah. Jesus was not buried – He was placed in a tomb and His body was sprinkled and washed.

Many of the sacrifices in the Old Testament spilt blood that was “sprinkled” by the Priest. The word “baptism” can mean: “washing”, “sprinkling”, or “dowsing”. We read in Titus 3:4-5:

“But when the kindness and the love of God our Savior toward man appeared, not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, through the washing of regeneration and renewing of the Holy Spirit.”

Regarding the acceptance of the New Covenant, God states:

“Then I will sprinkle clean water on you and you shall be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols.” – Ezekiel 36:25

Another controversial aspect of Ancient Antiochene Christians is regarding the way that some of us dress. The New Testament informs all true Christians to dress clean and modestly (1st Timothy 2:9). We have taken on the dress styles of the Hasidic Jews. As a matter of fact, many of us have found out that we have Ashkenazi DNA in us. Most Britons and Americans do because we are part of the so called “lost tribes” of Israel – “Issacs sons”, Saxons.

Jewish Hasidism was seen as a return to “true Judaism” much like “The Ancient Antiochene Church of Godis seen as that which teaches “true Christianity”. Thus, many scholars have picked on us (Antiochene Christians), calling us in this modern age – “Hassidic Christians”. Many Ancient Antiochene Christians, even today, wear what the world calls, “Jewish garb” (More accurately, “Israeli garb” – “Issac’s sons”; Saxons). We do have traditions which are not “law”, they do not have to be observed but we understand the importance of traditions, especially in the Christian Family. For instance, many of us keep the “traditionalChristian Holidays and some of us wear the Tzitzit and Kippah, and wear the Tallit and the “Megan David” or “star of David (Many of us even have the payees or payot). Because we also hold to many Orthodox Teachings from the early church we have been called by outsiders, Hasidic Christians. (We don’t mind.)

Jacob (whose name was changed to Israel) had twelve sons and only one of those sons produced the Jewish people - when we get technical. Jews are literally from the tribe of Judea. Apostle Paul was a Benjamite from the tribe of Benjamin who converted to Judaism - which back then was the religious sect of Pharisees (Galatians 1:13).

Jacob had twelve sons and a daughter by his wives and their maids (Genesis ch.29-39).  His father was Isaac and his mother, Rebecca. Jacob was a twin brother; his brother’s name was Esau. Jacob becomes the patronymic of Israelites.

Since May 14th 1948 Israel again became a legitimate nation and many Jews have returned to their own land. This was a great and glorious fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. God promised the restoration of the nation of Israel. Today when we think of Jewish people, we lump all the 12 original tribes together and call them all “Jew”. It is true that all twelve tribes have now been categorized generically as Jews.

When we go strictly by Sola Scriptura (the Word of God alone) we see a very different picture developing. Really only those from the tribe of Judah make up the literal Jewish people. So, what happened to the other eleven tribes? When we read our Bibles, we find that when the Kingdom of Israel split Judah and Benjamin along with some Levites formed the Southern kingdom called Judea and the rest of the tribes formed Israel (the northern kingdom).

So technically speaking, after the split Israelites are NOT Jews. The Jews remained in Jerusalem. 

When we say Israel sometimes, we include all twelve tribes because Israel (Jacob) is the father of all twelve tribes. In this sense of course all twelve tribes make up literal Israel. If you look in the back of your Bible you might find a map that shows that Judea (Jews) and Israel were once completely different nations.

Another controversial fact regarding the teachings of “The Ancient Antiochene Church of God” is regarding “day keeping”, or “feast keeping”. We have no legalistic laws regarding keeping certain days “holy”. We typically keep the Holy Days that Christian Lutherans do, but we do not recognize this a “mitzvah” – but as good Christian tradition. We love true Christian traditions but we never make them “Law” nor do we put them above Scripture.

Under the New Covenant we also have no specific “food laws”. Many in our church hold to certain personal diets and we have nothing against this as long as they do not make “food eating” a test of true Christianity (Romans 14:17).

Rebbe Eric W. King

We Finish with Thoughts about Lutheranism

This subject is extremely important to understand. Here at “The Shepherds Way” we have showed how “dispensational” theology was in fact accepted by the early Patristic Church. We have documented this subject closely. In our studies we have also demonstrated that as early as 300 AD there is talk about a pre-tribulational rapture before the council of Nicaea.

St Martin Luther was not called to be an eschatological defender. He did understand that the Roman Catholic view of Post Millennialism was wrong and it is stated as such in the Augsburg Confession Article XVII. The true Apostolic Church was in fact Pre-Millennial in their understanding.

Most of the fallen protestant churches have accepted the Amillennial view which is currently held by the Roman Catholic Church. Amillennialism is nothing but a modification of Post-millennialism. Both views are not Biblical and should be rejected.

Our ministry here (TSW) holds to the authentic Pre-Millennial view found in Sola Scriptura and the early writings of the Patristic Church. Hence, our dispensational theology in no way disagrees nor contradicts the Lutheran Confession. As a matter of fact, it magnifies Sola Scriptura.

If you are a Lutheran Christian, I urge you to get your Bible and study with us here at TSW and “Nugget of Truth”. If you are not a Lutheran Christian, I urge you to study with us here. God’s true church is not denominated…all true Christians are welcome.

I hate to come across as a Christian who is caught in an “ism” (Calvinism, Lutheranism, etc.) however I will admit that this ministry (“The Shepherds Way” –TSW) is in fact Confessional Lutheran in its theology, not Calvinistic. It was in early April of 2020 that I started confirming more openly that I am Lutheran (when it comes to salvific issues) in theology (was raised a Lutheran – and I am Ashkenazi). Having stated that I also hold to a basic dispensational/covenantial theology when dissecting the overall Bible. So, some have called me a “Lutheran-dispensationalist”. (Truly I am a Hasidic Christian.)


This is what I mean about labeling Christians, I hate it. I personally call my theology “Ancient Antiochene Theology” (also, Hasidic Christianity) because I believe that it is the earliest theology that was taught in the original church that was founded in Antioch. Can I prove that? Well, I challenge you to study here and find out for yourself. 


So ultimately, I am a Non-Denominational” Christian. As I believe all true Christians ultimately are. I urge all Christians to stay non-denominational. Christ’s true church is not a denomination. Having stated that I don’t mind being called a Lutheran Christian


I have spent many years studying Scripture and have come through many different denominations along the way, including Christian cults. Since October of 2017 I have come to a resting point in my search, though I am still always learning. I believe that my research and long hours of study have helped me come closer to the Lord. I realize that not everybody has the need or urge to study in-depth like I have felt the need to do but I also believe that it is my duty to share what I have learned over the years with my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ…. hence, “The Shepherds Way” & “Nugget of Truth” ministry was created by God’s grace. 


It is my wish that if you are a Christian, you will hang out here sometimes to get some interesting insight of the Christian message. I am still growing in Christ and developing better understandings through staying in the Word of God. 


When I learn something and need to be corrected regarding an issue, I pray that God will allow me to receive the corrections. I want to always stay teachable. I also have had to take down older talks that I had given regarding salvation because some of my older talks were misleading, not thorough enough in explaining my faith in light of my Lutheran Christianity.  

I have been blessed to be able to share in many non-denominational churches and to learn from my fellow Christians there. I hope to continue to share with you all as I continue to walk with the Lord. Thank you for visiting me here. 


Resting in the finished work of Jesus Christ,

Rebbe Eric William King (compiled January 18th 2024)


I realize that most all Lutheran Christians pick on dispensational theology and say that the Patristic Fathers knew nothing of it...wrong! Watch my video lectures and use your own Bible’s. Pray…stay in God’s Word.


One more thought….

Statements on the Nature of Christ

By Eric William King (The true Lutheran doctrine agrees with the following.)

We believe that Holy Mother Mary did give birth to Jesus Christ who became fully man and was at the same time fully God. So, we accept that Mary is “the mother of God”. St Martin Luther also affirms this. Having stated that fact we must be careful with the term, Theotokos (meaning “mother of God” or “God bearer”) because of what the Roman Church has done to Mary. They state that Mary is now a co-mediatrix with Christ meaning that Mary has the mediation attributes of the Son of God. This is blasphemy.

The Roman Cult insinuates by “Mary Mother of God” to transform her into a “goddess” or what they refer to as “the Queen of Heaven”. Again, blasphemy.

Upon further review of the early church, we actually agree with St Nestorius regarding this issue who stated that it was more Biblically correct to call Mother Mary “Christotokos”, meaning “bearer of the Christ” or Kyriou (Lord). This agrees with Sola Scriptura (Luke 1:43). However we - like St Luther - reject St Nestorius’ views on the separate natures of Christ (though we recognize Elder Nestorius as a growing Christian Brother).

We also know from Scripture that Jesus is ultimately “without father or mother”. (Hebrews 7:3) Seeing what the Roman Cult has done to Mother Mary we believe that St Luther would most certainly agree with us on the current use of Theotokos.

Also, we agree with St Martin Luther that Jesus (fully God, fully man) used His majesty while on earth “as it pleased Him” but we clarify always in agreement with God the Father’s will. In this sense we have stated that Jesus worked within the Father’s will completely while incarnate. This also agrees with Sola Scriptura.

We fully agree with “The Formula of Concord”, Article 8, “The Person Christ”-18 which states:

“Christ is and remains to all eternity God and man in one undivided person. Next to the Holy Trinity, this is the highest mystery, upon which our only consolation, life, and salvation depends, as the apostle testifies in 1st Timothy 3:16.”

We hope to continue to clarify these most important issues here at “The Shepherds Way” and the “Nugget of Truth”.

Eric William King (Original published April 9th 2020)

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