Wednesday, May 29, 2024

A Self-righteous trap


A Self-righteous trap

By Eric William King (May 29th 2024)

One trap that the Devil tries to place as a "standard" when it comes to us personally dealing with friends, family, and other people is the idea that others must conform to our reality of goodness and "self-righteousness". Be careful dear Christian. This is a trap which involves hatred and anger.

As Christians we have begun to realize our own problems and shortcomings. We have taken a personal inventory and continue to take personal inventory every day. We have learned to remain in prayer with our Heavenly Father. Sometimes we may approach God with some un-comfortability. This is okay - we must be honest. We cannot hide anything from Divine Intelligence.

Instead of letting our emotional body consume us, we need to love the whole person. We sometimes think that; "I could really love this person more if they met my standards on such and such." This is wrong thinking. We must learn to love the whole person in and through Jesus Christ our Lord.

It is hard to accept the moral defects of others sometimes. One thing that may help you with this is to remember how you used to be and act in areas of your own life before you became a Born Again Christian – remember, God is still working with us also.

The true Christian understands the fallen-nature of Humanity and the fact that we are all living in the Fallen Matrix. We must never expect perfection down here – in the Fallen Matrix. What we can expect from God is undeserved kindness, mercy, forgiveness and love. God knows how to judge properly, we do not. This is why we must be guided by His word every day. Our wisdom must be divinely inspired.

Remember, Jesus instructs us; “But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.” [Matthew 5:44]

The goal of all our Christian choices should be disinterested benevolence. “Disinterested” simply means that our acts come from a self-less, non-selfish base. “Benevolence” is the act of us caring about others and assisting them when and how we can – the practice of undeserved kindness.

To sum up our Christian duty is to practice disinterested benevolence.

My prayer for you today is that you experience God’s undeserved kindness in your own life.

By Eric William King (May 29th 2024)

All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.

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What was before anything?

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Addressing Christian Sanity

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Listen to Relationship with Divine Intelligence

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Listen to Christian faith every day

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Listen to Nature of Christ & God's Essence

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Exposing Spiritism

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Look at Classic Lutheranism

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Health in Sharing

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Return of True Israel

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Health in Sharing

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