Wednesday, May 29, 2024


Addressing True Sanity


By Eric William King (May 5th 2024)

Many of us may not realize how much we let our anxiety out on other people. Many do this by talking behind others backs. We may find ourselves talking to a friend or fellow family member about the faults of others, after hanging up the phone we sit back and think about how "great" we are. Then we may say something to ourselves such as; "Thank God I am not like this or that person."

A double standard is something that all of us deal with to some degree or another. This is why, as Christians, it is better to take our personal anxiety directly to the Lord in prayer rather than jabber-jawing to others.

We find ourselves using others to vent our own misery on. This shows the sickness of the sinful nature. Nobody wants to admit that without Jesus Christ they are spiritually sick. Non-Christians make their own rules and define what "sin" is for themselves. They will answer before Divine Intelligence for such a selfish decision.

To enter true recovery, health and healing you must accept Jesus Christ for who He is, He is God. The progress towards true sanity begins when we begin to listen to Jesus. We must stop rationalizing God, using fallen human intellect to come up with all sorts of excuses.

Many people deal with addictions, some more obvious than others. People do the same thing over and over again knowing that it causes nothing but trouble. They can’t stop doing the same stupid thing over and over. This is insanity. So, what’s going on?

It goes against fallen Human nature, especially in today’s culture, to completely surrender ones will to God. Many still have this idea that they have everything “under control”. Yet, we may die any moment. If you are trying to live your life based on self-will you will fail and become upset many times a day. Upset at yourself for making dumb decisions, upset at yourself for not being able to control bad habits, upset because things didn’t turn out the way you anticipated. This brings up another issue, not only do many people believe that their self-will has everything under control but on top of that they try and control all those people around them.

They become “movie directors”, constantly trying to make people “act” the way they want and to “do” the way they want. Again, this is nothing but another train of insanity. The problem is that humans are trying to control everything, they refuse to give up control. They refuse God. To understand and experience true Christianity you must let God take the reins of your life, completely and fully.

If you say that you “believe in God” that really is nothing, even the demons “believe” in God. (James 2:19) The next step, and the important one, is to make the decision to turn your fallen Human will over to the complete care of Divine IntelligenceGod. Only this decision can bring you into true sanity and health on every level. If you say that you have faith in God then you must fully give it – there are no half-steps.

In ending these thoughts let me leave you with this, stop trying to supervise everything in your life. Pray for the willingness for God to do that.

May you spiritually rest in God’s peace today and every day,

By Eric William King (May 28th 2024)

All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.

Listen to Eric's Audio Messages

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Listen to Introduction

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What was before anything?

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Addressing Christian Sanity

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Listen to Relationship with Divine Intelligence

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Listen to Christian faith every day

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Listen to Nature of Christ & God's Essence

Click the above arrow
Exposing Spiritism

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Look at Classic Lutheranism

Click the above arrow
Health in Sharing

Click the above arrow
Return of True Israel

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Health in Sharing

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