Ancient Antiochene
Seven Sealed Scroll Mystery.”
By presbyter Eric William King (October 26th
The Ancient
Antiochene Church of God has always taught that the Seven Sealed Scroll is in
fact the completed Bible – the Holy Scriptures. In Jeremiah ch.32:8-15 we
understand that title deeds were “sealed” with wax seals. A good title deed was
sealed by seven witnesses with seven different seals. There was one title deed
that was left open, for reference, and there was another one which could not be
tampered with that remained sealed.
Our Christian
Bible’s are the “open copy” of our planets title deed and there is a perfect
and sacred sealed copy in Heaven depicted as the Seven Sealed Scroll (perfect
copy in Heaven: Hebrews 9:19,23; Revelation 5:1). Each seal, as Jesus unfolds
this scroll to us, allows more of the scroll to be revealed. This scroll contains
the story of our planet. The first “white horse” represents Adam and Eve going
forth to conquer this planet. They failed and the title deed was forfeited to
Satan, Satan now becomes “the god of this world”.
Jesus is
opening the Scroll to His servants which are represented by the twenty-four
elders. This shows that Jesus is revealing the Scroll to the Christian Church.
Jesus began to open His word to the early apostles and disciples (Luke 24:27).
As the Church is growing and moving throughout time God continues to reveal
much more of the Scroll unto us. We have a greater understanding of the Bible
today than we did years ago (Proverbs 4:18; Mark 4:25).
The second seal
is opened and we see the “red horse” which started its ride at the first
murder, Cain taking Abel’s life (Genesis 4:8). All of the Four Horses have been
riding on planet Earth but they will all have one last climax of a ride by the
final Anti-Christ. The seven messages by the Seven Angels to the Seven Churches
have counsel for us right now, today. The Seventh Angel has sounded and the
“mystery should be finished”. Every word in the Bible is reaching its final
fulfilment. Some things that God shows us we must wait for. We have the “little
scroll open” for us, we have the completed New Testament and we are to “eat it”
(Revelation 10:10-11).
“Then the LORD
answered me and said, “Record the vision And inscribe it on tablets, that the
one who reads it may run. “For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens
toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it
will certainly come, it will not delay.” (Habakkuk 2:2-3)
Isaiah the
prophet saw the completed Bible as a “scroll that had been sealed” (Isaiah
29:11-12). He saw that the educated and uneducated could not understand [open]
it. God goes on to explain to Isaiah that only those whom God chooses shall
begin to understand it. Only those who receive the Holy Spirit will gain “eyes
to see and ears to hear”. Ezekiel was also shown the word of God as a Scroll
written on the front side and back side [Old & New Testament]. Prophets
were commanded to symbolically “eat the scroll”. This means that they were to
study it, take it in, digest its content and then share [proclaim] the message.
(Ezekiel 2:9-10; 3:1-3)
These important
prophecies cannot be understood (opened to) anybody unless they are opened
(explained) to the person by the Lamb of God [Jesus Christ]. Only Jesus the
Christ can open up your understanding of His message through [the hearing of] His
word and the Holy Spirit. God has sent an angelic lesson to each Church Epoch.
We are in the Seventh Church Epoch and we are receiving the Seventh Angel’s
Message to the Christian Church. This “golden oil” is flowing from the “Golden
Bowl” through its tube into the seventh “oil lamp” – the Seventh Church. This
is the clear Zerubian Message. (Zechariah 4:1-3; 9,10)
The prophet
Isaiah saw that as this Great Scroll was unrolled “doctrine” and “teachings”
were learned (Isaiah 29:18). God’s people who are awake continue to grow. The “Luke-warm”
Laodiceans have stopped showing a conscious interest in the Word of God. The
Church should return to it’s “first love”. We were first called “Christians” in
Ancient Antioch. It would be good to find out just where that Antiochene Church
is today. In these last days God is
working in a way that most thought impossible. Through this small ministry and
people from all over the world coming together with this powerful message. From
small things comes great things. All who study here are fulfilling prophetic
history. They are on the right side of history.
Jesus stands at
the door to the Laodicean Church and He is giving the KNOCK. Those who hear are
invited to return to the Lord by “letting Him in”, back into your house, your
church, your entire life. This invitation is being given by an Angel of God to
you right now…in this moment of time. Receive the “extra oil” and keep your lamp
We are opening
our eyes and ears to the Scroll.
This is most
certainly true.
Eric William
King (October 26th 2024)

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