Monday, November 9, 2020

Mouth Is A Gateway To Hell.

Mouth Is A Gateway To Hell.

By Olawale Ogunsola

 "For we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body."

James 3:2 New King James Version.

Many decades ago, a raging controversy occupied the air everywhere in respect of a possibility of a man to be perfect. A remnant of the debate rages on today. The most important question to ask is," Am I a pilgrim on the earth who is on the way to Paradise?" if the answer is "Yes!", then you should believe and work towards being perfect.

Please, note this truth that you cannot be perfect before man, no matter how hard you try. This is because man's standards change often and often.

 Note that the Lord God of Abraham demanded from His friend thus,

"I am Almighty God ; walk before Me and be blameless." Genesis 17:1.

 He did not demand that you walk before men but "before Me" blameless. This is the reason, Apostle Paul made it known in Galatians 1:10,

"For do I now persuade men, or God? Or do I seek to please men? For if I still please men, I would not be a bondservant of Christ."

To please man is to displease the Lord your God. Therefore, you can be perfect before Him alone.

Do you know what? He has a compass with which you can navigate the sea of life safely and pleasing Him alone. The compass is the Holy Bible. Do you read it to explore the treasure in it? Please, do so to be perfect before your Maker.


In the verse that form the opening paragraph of this piece, God's secret of perfection for man is revealed by Apostle James, "If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a PERFECT MAN, able to bridle the whole body."

 This means that if you want to control your whole body, you must master very well the use of every component of your mouth. Failure to do this will turn your tongue to become a gateway to Hell which had been prepared for Satan and his angels but not for you. Why then do you have to desire ending your life in hell?

 That is the reason why you should beware of how you engage the contents or components of your mouth. Let us examine briefly a wrong use of your mouth's components you should avoid by all means:

One, by all means and standards, you must eschew lying lips. Your lips are component of your mouth that can be a weapon of lying. This two-leaf door can open a way of lying into hell fire where there is great torment and gnashing of teeth. Do you want to end there? If not, do not engage these-two-leaf door to tell a lie.

 How do you feel whenever someone lies to you? Do you know that others will have the same feeling if your lips tell them a lie?

 No liar will enter into the kingdom of God!

Two, in the same vein, and by all means and standards, you must not allow your tongue to deceive others. Your tongue must not be among false tongues if you do not want to receive stripes from your God and Creator. This strong weapon of conversation must not be employed to deceive your fellow human beings, no matter the circumstances.

 Three, your teeth must not be sharp arrows to ruin the lives of people and all that they have. It is a common phrase in Africa that "Teeth are sharper than a knife." This is true! But what do you engage your teeth to do? This is important because it has a role in your journey of life and how or where you will end your life. What does Psalm 120:2-4 says? The Psalmist cried,

"Deliever my soul, O Lord, from lying lips

And from a deceitful tongue.
What shall be given you,
Or what shall be done to you,
You false tongue?
Sharp arrows of the worrior,
With coals of the broom tree."

 Anyone who possess these weapons and abuse them are enemies of peace. Do you want to be one of them to your destruction? God forbid! Therefore, with the help of your God and His Spirit, control the use of your mouth!

Stay blessed and prepared for the imminent coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.
NOTE: Bible verse quoted are from New King James Version of the Scriptur

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