Monday, November 9, 2020

New Voting Law Proposal


New Voting Law Proposal 

By Dave Bocker

As a student for two years now here at “The Shepherds Way” I have learned much about my Christian faith. To study here all you need to be is a Christian. Views are shared here which were taught in the earliest Christian church which was founded in ancient Antioch. Though TSW stays away from politics for the most part, it is important to discuss what is going on during the Presidential election year in regards to our faith and hope for America.

I just want to share something here that other TSW students have talked about and even brother E.W. King has offered this as a solution when it comes to voting for the United States president. Each one of our wonderful States is independent in regards to its laws as long as they are constitutional. When it comes to voting for the federal office of president, however, the voting law should be the SAME for every State because the president is president of ALL States.

If the government would pass a universal voting law for highest office in our beautiful country it would be fair for every American and would limit the ability to cheat. As a matter of fact, I personally believe that it would make cheating almost impossible.

This is just an enlightened idea from some of us here at “The Shepherds Way”.

Thank Jesus our Lord everyday!

Dave Bocker

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