Friday, December 11, 2020

God created Individuality

God created Individuality

By Eric William King

God has made each of us individually, there is truly only ONE true you. The New Age and pagan doctrines are teaching that God really has no children and that everything which seems to be in some kind of relationship is merely illusion and that you are not “you” but you are God.

Christianity teaches the fact that God [Divine Intelligence] is a personal God - complete with a Divine Personality. When early mankind made the wrong choices and decided to sin, they mixed good with evil. We now have “relative” truth such as “big lies” and “small lies” instead of the fact that ALL lies are wrong because they are a distortion of the Truth. Fallen man thinks he is more enlightened than God because he can mix degrees of truth and error making his fallen world to be seemingly functional.

Thus all of humanity is experiencing a synthetic reality instead of THE REALITY. We live in a fallen world whose intelligence is the Wicked One. Jesus Christ (the Light) has come into this world so that those who have eyes can see and those who have ears can hear. You have a choice. Christians have entered that spiritual battle as conquerors. Christians have already won, now we proclaim the Good News of the coming Kingdom of God.

As an individual you are created to discover who you are in Christ. You are a mere reflection of something much greater in the eyes of God. Each person has been gifted with personality and uniqueness. God wants to experience your individual self in proper relationship to Him. You have something to offer the family of God. You have been given a personal choice in the dimension of time and space to recognize your true condition and then to take the appropriate steps to become (accept) regenerated (regeneration), become truly born from above.

Jesus Christ becomes the mediator to Divine Intelligence. A person can have direct association with God through Jesus Christ. Through this imputation Divine Revelation is given and each individual begins to achieve his or her Divine Mission. Each Christian is given an individual and Divine Mission from Heavenly Father. As you mature in your Christian faith you begin to more fully discover and experience your personal mission.

People who have not found their mission go from feeling in “complete control” to the other extreme of being the “complete victim” of all circumstances. If you find the true Jesus Christ you will find everything that you will ever need.

I hope that you continue your personal studies in God’s Word with us here at “The Shepherds Way” & “Nugget of Truth”.

Rejoice in the Lord!

Eric William King (December 4th 2020)

Note: The phrase “THE REALITY” is a phrase that TSW uses to describe the experience of PURE relationship with Jesus Christ through PURE DOCTRINE from Sola Scriptura.

All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.

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