Saturday, December 4, 2021

You Are Safe With Jesus!


You Are Safe With Jesus!

by  Tonya Taylor 

"Be safe!" we tell each other--especially since the virus hit in 2020. 

This world is volatile, strange, and way too anti-Christ right now.  I cannot imagine how anyone thinks they can make it without the LORD Jesus Christ and His blood covering them! Still, even we Believers sometimes need our faith reinforced about our Covenant with the Most High. Here are thoughts on how you are safe in Him!

(1) If you have received Jesus Christ as your Savior and LORD, then He is with you and for you forever! We like to sense His Presence, but even though we may not feel that He is with us, we remember that we don't go by feelings, but by faith--belief, trust!--in the eternal, unchanging Word of God! 

(2) God gives you wisdom through His Word and Holy Spirit about how to avoid trouble. When you are born again by belief in the blood of Jesus, then the Holy Spirit (Who is the wisdom of God, Colossians 2:2-3) nudges us to do something, or helps us understand in our spirits (the real us; the eternal part of us) not to do something, or not to go a certain place. He is faithful! 

(3) He will tell you secrets--strategies for victory--and He will also help you realize you are not from here; only visiting! You are first a citizen of Heaven (I Peter 2:9).

(4) He has a great sense of humor, and Jesus is your joy (Galatians 5:22).  He will help you laugh and see the bright side of things, as only He can do! Joy takes your mind off negative junk, and helps you relax in the LORD. 

Know this: As the LORD told me once years ago, "I've always got your back!"

Yes, He does! His Holy Spirit sees and knows everything, from before the world began. He sees all of your life at once. He knows what the enemy is planning against you, and the LORD will communicate with you to go His way, to avoid snares and trouble (You have to listen to Him and obey!). He is a faithful, loving Father!

If you know Jesus as your Savior ans LORD, you are righteous, and in Covenant with Him. You are safe with Jesus.

He is the only Rock, the only true safety!

The name of the Lord is a fortified tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.--Proverbs 18:10,NIV


Tonja K. Taylor is a joyful, free worshiper, teacher, author, wife, and mother who adores helping others know the sweet faithfulness of God. Through her YouTube channel, "River Rain Creative Arts" and other platforms, she tutors people around the world in faith, worship, writing, health, and more.

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