Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Ancient Antiochene Christianity

Ancient Antiochene Christianity

Ancient Antiochene Christian Doctrine

This ministry and teachings (TSW - The Shepherds Way) only holds to the earliest church (proper) teachings, before the Great Schism which became the Roman Catholic Church & Greek Orthodox Church. We hold to Christo-tokos not Theo-tokos. We believe in the Divine Trinity and reject the praying to anybody else, body-spirit, other than God through our Lord Jesus Christ. It wasn’t until the Council of Trent in 1545 that the teaching on saintly intercession was officially laid down. We reject this council.

Most of our history stresses the first 451 years of the Christian Church when many of the early heresies were properly dealt with. We welcome you to study with us here and listen to all of our Nugget of Truth online lectures. We hold to and teach the Ancient Antiochene Christian Doctrine. 
May God richly bless you. ~ E.W.King

Above: Begin to understand what the first 
Christian Church taught and believed in.


Antiochene Christianity

The Shepherds Way - Original Christianity

The Shepherds Way continues to teach the Word of God in Truth. Showing the thread of Truth from the first Church of Antioch. Our first Bishop there being the Apostle Peter. We have the writings of our early teachers and the records of early Church history.

We show that there were no major denominations for the first 400 years of the church, before the Roman Catholic and Greek schism occurred. Hence, the first and most early church, the original church founded by our Saviour, Yzues Christos, still exists today in the modern Antiochene Church.

If you are a Christian and want to truly understand the unpolluted and rich theology of the original church then you are welcome to begin your free studies here by watching all of Eric William King's theological lectures and studies. 

We thank God for the teaching tools that we have been given throughout the centuries and we are blessed to have in our Antiochene Library much information on the most early manuscripts. 

So welcome fellow brother & sister in Christ Jesus our Lord. 

Σεφερντς Ου:εϋ
The Shepherds Way

Saint Irenaeus
“the Scriptures are indeed perfect, since they were spoken by 
the Word of God and His Spirit” (AH 2.28.2)

TSW Popular Posts 

1 comment:

  1. While the opponents of Dispensationalism will point out that as a system of theology it is relatively new, it is notable that there is evidence from the early church writers that there was clearly an understanding that God dealt with His people differently in progressive dispensations, and that Israel wasn't seen as replaced by the Church. A small reference to some of these writings is found in 'The Moody Handbook of Theology" by Paul Ennis. He mentions the following Christians as being in the history of the development of Dispensationalism.

    * Justin Martyr (A.D. 110-165)
    * Iranaeus (A.D. 130-200)
    * Clement of Alexandria (A.D. 150-220)
    * Augustine (A.D. 354-430)




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