Friday, March 25, 2022

God's true church is a school!


NEW Short Message from Eric................................................March 17th 2022

These times demand that God's true people emphasize the warning of the current situation, the war of Gog & Magog in its first phaseWe must deliver the message that God has given us for this time in human history.

Most all the "churches" have failed to teach the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. God's true church is a school to teach His servants about the coming world government under Jesus Christ our Lord.

Most "Christians" want to do their "own work" instead of obeying the MessiahJesus Christ. We are here to do HIS work, not ours. We are to finish the work, God's work. We are ambassadors of a different kingdom. Man knows that only a "World Government" can answer the major problems that we all face. However, man cannot usher in this kind of a kingdom, only Jesus Christ can - and those training to rule with Him in this coming Kingdom will be able to accomplish this task.

President Joe Biden believes he can create a "New World Order". He is helping the antichrist-power to create a fallen dictatorship, the counterfeit kingdom. Most all so called "Christian" churches are in a sad Laodicean condition and are not properly feeding the church "meat in due season". It is time to get busy and study God's word with us here at the "Nugget of Truth" & "The Shepherds Way".

Stay with us and keep your Bible's with you wherever you go!

Staying strong in Jesus the Christ,

Eric william King 3-17-22

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