Saturday, November 26, 2022

Africa and extreme Islam


Africa and extreme Islam

Here at TSW/Nugget of Truth we have been praying for Africa. Their food and water situation is terrible. We have Christian missionaries in Africa helping the best they can.

Some of the violent jihadis have been attacking Tiv villages and killing men, women and children simply because they are Christians. There is a genocide happening in parts of Africa. The region known as Benue State is trying hard to hold on to its Christian population. Over 740,000 farmers in this region just lost everything.

There is major drought, food and water and medical shortages. African lives matter to our ministry so we are praying and supporting them as much as we can. It is many Christian Missionaries that are the ones truly helping Africa. Keep Africa in your prayers.

Currently there is a radical jihad Muslim movement known as Fulani. If Christians do not intervene many more Africans will be mislead to join such evil movements.

So, please keep the African people in your prayers and stay tuned here at TSW/Nugget of Truth for much more updates and Truth.

Eric W. King (November 26th 2022)

Here is a past article for your contemplation.......

"Here at TSW we are predicting that soon we will see terrorist groups growing in size in AfricaIran is trying to extend its influence and power in Africa. Why? To control oil and power. They have been sending armaments into Africa. Hezbollah influence is growing there."

"Hezbollah is trying to gain trust from African nations which are not strongly connected to the UN Security Council.  They would like to control a oil pipeline from Nigeria to Algeria so Europe can get more oil from Africa. Amidst all the oil problems they just might get their way."

"Al Qaeda must have some control over the Iranian government to even exist. The fact is, though the Sunni and Shia Muslims may disagree theologically their hatred toward the U.S.A. and the west supersedes that. Thus, we could begin to witness some kind of unification deal between the two in upcoming attacks against the west."

"Of course we hope that this doesn't happen but we see that it probably will in within the next couple of years." 

"There may be some attempted or actual terrorist attacks soon in our country as the entire globe continues to become more unstable. We hope that you continue to study your Bible with us here at TSW and Nugget of Truth."

Always in His Word,

Eric William King (May 28th 2022) (Visit original post)

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