Wednesday, December 7, 2022

TSW Warns of food problems in 2024

TSW Warns of food problems in 2024

Well, America is in extreme drought. Over 60% of the western states are in severe drought. It is said that this portion (half) of America has not witnessed such dry times since just over 1,200 years ago. What does this mean? Seventeen of these American states provide agricultural production......but not like before. The consequences will be felt going into next summer.

I have posted talks regarding coming food and water shortages. This along with all the increase in crime and "children" being put into important leadership positions (Isaiah 3:4) makes for an interesting storm. Immature and unwise rulership will continue to cause disaster. 

The Good News is that Jesus the Christ is on His way back....He is headed towards planet earth. Are you ready to meet Him face to face? Your Creator has left you a Bible, it would seem smart to study it.

Stay in prayer and in God's word. Keep us bookmarked and keep your Bible with you at all times. There are hard times coming and if you already have Jesus you have all you need. Hold on tight and keep praying. Watch God's word come to pass. He is TRUTH.

Eric William King (November 29th, 2022)

All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.

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