Saturday, January 28, 2023

Choose Freedom of the Mind


Choose Freedom of the Mind

by Sonja Mattison 

Isaiah 14:3

And it shall come to pass in the day that the Lord shall give thee rest from thy sorrow, and from thy fear, and from the hard bondage wherein thou wast made to serve,

Serving God does not mean we will always feel secure, but God guards us with his protection, guidance, and love. It is through our faith and trust in God that holds our life together on this earth. And it is through human error that we tend to lean toward worry, doubt, and fear – uneasiness. When we lean to the left more than the right, we lose our balance, so we need to trust in the Lord and not lose faith in Him.

            Losing control of our lives and losing our confidence in God is something we should not do because it causes us to be weak in bondage with internal conflict, which brings misery to ourselves along with discomfort. The Bible repeatedly states throughout the text that there is only one God who protects us and comforts us through Christ, our Savior. When anxiety kicks in about life, we need to reach out to God in faith, and he will stretch his hand out and pull us forward to bring us closer to Him. He will also assure us that we can rely on Him to fight the worry we sometimes allow to impede our lives. We only need to believe and be wise.

            Then, we will be free of mental bondage because he composed us with free will. We should commit ourselves to God to be confident and happy with trust in our Savior. We must realize, amid our concerns about life, worrying is unnecessary. Worry drives us to fear, which is a part of being human, but it is also a known fact that we are imperfect bundles of energy in human form, so it is sensible to stay faithful to God so that we stand tall with courage. Because the Lord is glory and bestows his grace upon us, there is no other way to go or no one else to follow.

            We can scream and whisper to Jehovah whenever we have trouble with pain and hurt that permeates inside of us. We can release our fears to God and receive truth as an answer. He loves us, forgives us, and guides us to be a better place, so let us “let go” and be free with God to spread our wings to the world and be joyful – all because of God and Jesus.

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