Saturday, January 28, 2023




Freelance writer Lupie Riley

Thought:  This is a question many are asking in society today and have found it difficult to answer.  Why?  Because the trans craze that is in the world is trying to re-define the meaning of male and female, therefore a lot of confusion arises.  These attempts to influence our children to question if they are a boy or girl is devastating.  The importance of a woman, God’s help meet for Adam, is being reduced to fables and lies.

Satan is alive and well today and doing a good job in duplicating what God has created good into something evil and perverted.  He’s turning good into wickedness that has become acceptable.   We see his handiwork in re-defining the meaning of the rainbow, the color purple,  man and woman, girl and boy, and the word gay.  This has been his goal since the very beginning through the deception of our first parents.

At the time of Jesus ministry, women had no autonomy.  They were regarded as morally, intellectually, spiritually, and physically inferior to man.  In some religions today that attitude has not changed.  How did Jesus treat women when he walked this earth?  He treated them as friends, supporters and many traveled with him during his ministry.  He taught that a woman should be given dignity, trust, and equality. 

This was best demonstrated by his interaction with the woman at the well, the adulteress, Lazaret’s sisters, and obliging his mother at the Canaan wedding. There was also the woman with the bleeding issue (Luke 8:43-38), Mary Magdalene, the women at the tomb, Joanna, wife of manager of Herod’s household and many others that are recorded in His Book.  His compassion for women was seen in the handing over his mother to the care of John while hanging on the cross in excruciating pain. 

What are his thoughts of us?

He know us by name:  John 10:3 “the gatekeeper opens the gate for him  and the sheep hear his voice and comes to him and he calls his own sheep by NAME and leads them out.”

He counts the stars by name: Psalms 147:4,5 “He counts the star’s and calls them all by name.  How great he is! His power is absolute! His understanding is unlimited.”

Our name is written in the book of life: Rev. 20:15 “And if anyone’s name is not found recorded in The Book of Life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.”

Is your name written in the Book of Life?  Are you a child of God through the re-birth?  If there is any doubt ask Jesus to come into your life today and have the assurance of forgiveness and everlasting life. 

Prayer:  Father God, your respect for women in your word is remarkable.  Thank you for this promise that we are loved.  Amen

Verse:  John 19:35-37 “Standing near the cross was Jesus mother, Mary, his aunt, the wife of Cleopas, and Mary Magdalene.  When Jesus saw his mother standing there beside me, (John), his close friend, he said to her, “He is your son.” And to me he said, “She is your mother!”  And from then on I took her into my home.”

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