Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Welcome to ILuminosity ~ TSW


Defining ILuminosity ~

We define ILuminosity as the deep understanding of the true Christian faith. We were first called "Christians" in Ancient Antioch. We also represent the ancient church-body known as the Ancient Antiochene Church of God (AACG).

Our current online ministries are "The Shepherds Way (TSW)" & "Nugget of Truth". We offer all of our studies and lectures for free online. Eric William King is the founder of these ministries and teachings as they are presented today. Eric founded the original ministry on October 10th 2017.

E.W. King continues to teach from the top of Mt. Shiloh to this very day.

The Beauty of ILuminosity…

Eric defines a pure Christian spirituality as one that involves Science, Art, and Religion. These topics cannot be separated. A beautiful harmony is brought together in the true Christian which fully satisfies the reverence, love, and awe for Divine Intelligence. When all three come together in harmony an inspiring and transcendent reality emerges. One departs from superstition and ignorance and gains ILuminosity.

Here we will introduce you to some of our deeper teachings and understandings known as ILuminosity. To understand this more thoroughly please read all of our articles and watch all of our lectures free online using this TSW Blog.

The “Colliers Encyclopedia – 1960” states the following:

ILLUMINATI [tlu’mine’ iai; ilu’ mina’ti], a name given by the Ante-Nicene Church Fathers to those who submitted to Christian baptism (Gr., “illumination”). They were called “illuminati”, or “illuminated ones”, on the assumption that those who were instructed for baptism in the Apostolic faith had received the grace of illumination in an enlightened understanding…….


Take all that you thought you knew and enter with a…

Tabula Rasa

By Eric William King (April 21st 2024)

To begin to understand the true Apostolic faith we must first understand our Human condition. This planet of ours has been here for millions of years and has what we call a "First Earth" history. This ancient history involves what our Bible refers to as beings called "angels". These beings were not created on our planet and were in fact created long before our planet was created. This means that they are extraterrestrial beings (Beings not originally of our planet).

After our planet was created many of these angelic beings were placed in charge of taking care of our planet which included building it up for human habitation. Many earth animals and semi-humans were created and placed under the angelic charge. These angels had a ruler or leader over them known as Lucifer.

To fully understand the length of this time and what was happening watch our four-part lecture series called; "The Creative Ages". Towards the end of the First Earth a rebellion broke out which involved good angels and very bad angels. We understand that Lucifer lead this rebellion with one third of the angelic host and ultimately, they were cast out of what we understand to be the Third Heaven. They are now involved here on planet earth and the first two heavens. They are multidimensional beings’ and are allowed to exist as part of what we refer to as "The Great Plan".

Lucifer along with one-third of the angels were thrown out of the third-heaven in a ball of matter [trapped in a large asteroid] the size of Mt. Everest and cast to earth. This happened 65 million years ago. Once thrown down to earth the impact created huge explosions and actually three large craters on earth. Seventy percent of all known life became extinct including the dinosaurs. Some early human type beings however, surprisingly, did in fact survive.

After the fall of Lucifer his name was changed to Satan (“adversary”).

Starting with the Second Earth (the Earth space-time that we understand and are experiencing now) part of our planet was made into a Paradise of perfection for human living. Two humans were created and placed into this paradise garden called Eden. These two were Adam and Eve. They become a major part of the Great Plan. They both ultimately were led astray by the spirit being Lucifer. They were cast out of the paradise garden and gave birth to children. They lost their glorified bodies and became infected with sin. Sin is all that is contrary to Divine Intelligence (God). (Read our article; “Original Sin”) All of the humans became infected with sin – giving all humans what we sometimes call the “fallen nature”. Paradoxically all of this occurred according to God’s plan.

One of Adam and Eve’s children (Cain) started relationships with some humans from the First Earth time period that had survived outside of the Garden of Eden. We understand that even our natural created planet now has sin and is not working as it should on all levels. Sickness, disease, suffering, hate, crime etc. now exist on all levels of creation. We now live in a Fallen Matrix. (Read about; “The Fallen Matrix”)

Cain became the progenitor of the humans known as Kenites. The Kenites are actually fallen humans that come from the spiritual dark-side (they are also genetically evil) and are working both directly and indirectly for Lucifer, their true father. To more fully understand just who and what the Kenites are you may read our articles concerning them and watch our lectures about them. (Read about; “The Kenites”)

One thing we will reveal here about the Kenites is that they love to create chaos. They use fear and the fallen human nature to do this. Many politicians are Kenites. They basically control most all media outlets and news. Most all human environments are corrupted by them. Though some people are not born Kenites they have unfortunately adopted Kenite attributes. They have fallen “in the way of Cain”.

In each dispensation man is trying to consciously or unconsciously restore Paradise (adjust the environment) and Create the Perfect man (now by using A.I. technology). The bad angels have always interfered. Satan and his angels point people in every direction that points away from God.

So, we must now understand how we as fallen humans in this Fallen Matrix are perceiving things and how we function. Divine Intelligence has spoken through many ages and dispensations of time to the consciousness of mankind and especially early on to the Israelite people through prophets who became His first representatives as a people.

The Bible teaches seven major dispensations of time since Adam and Eve and we are currently in the sixth dispensation known as the Ecclesiastical Dispensation. This dispensation began just over 2000 years ago. To fully understand dispensations and ages read our papers on the seven dispensations. (Read about; “The Dispensations”)

We understand the written Bible which contains sixty-six books to be the Word of God for our planet. We believe that it outlines, documents and explains God’s Great Plan. At the beginning of our current dispensation God sent Himself in the person of His son, Jesus the Christ. Most have heard about Jesus Christ but have wrong conceptions about Him. To more fully understand just who Jesus Christ is read our papers on Christology. (Read; “Nature of Christ & God’s Essence”)

The Christian Church (Ecclesia) was organized for the “body of Christ”, His true followers, to congregate and learn the Kingdom Message. The church is also a place of worshiping Divine Intelligence and administering the sacraments (baptism & the Lord’s supper). All of what you have read up to this point is subject matter for the true Kingdom Message. To become a true Christian, one must be “born again” or “born from above”. This happens when a person hears the Word of God and honestly accepts it as Truth. He or she then receives the fulness of the indwelling Holy Spirit which is a deposit which guarantees the inheritance of the coming Kingdom of God.

Once born-again the student grows in faith and maturity – a lifelong process. The true Christian has received the free gift of complete salvation. The Christian then begins to share the Kingdom Message and the true mission of Jesus Christ. All true Christians are missionaries. As Christians we accept the Scriptures (Christian Bible) to be God's self-revelation, personally developed and put together by Him (Holy Spirit). Many religions may speculate about "who" or "what" God is but the Bible is much different - more profound. The Bible claims to be the direct revelation of God from God to humanity – through this understanding come deep hymnic aretalogies.

We also use decrees or affirmations in our Christian work. When we talk about affirmations of God, we are talking about specific certainties in understanding God. This would be what we refer to as a cataphatic (more literal) understanding – using human senses and human reason in our theological understandings. However, when we begin to talk about the abstract aspects of God – the mysterious God, or “mysteries” of God – now we enter paradox and apophatic theology. (Read; "Cataphatic & Apophatic Theology”)

It is also important for the Christian to eat healthy and take walks or run. Doing some simple daily physical exercises is also highly recommended. We do not follow any specific “food laws”, each person is created different and has different takes, likes and dislikes. We try and keep our dress-wear simple, not extravagant. In fact, many of us have taken on what we refer to as a Hasidic style of dressing – this also is not a “law”. All people dress differently according to likes and dislikes. (Read; “Hasidic Christianity”)

For meditations we use decrees, visualization (which can involve icons) - and many like to use the Antiochene Rosary for bead prayer-meditation (We do not pray to Mary or Saints we only pray to God). Another very important teaching involves the Christian “spiritually” wearing the full Armor of God. This involves understanding how psychic (soulish) energy moves and works through our human bodies in the proper way. (Read our article: “The Armor of God and Inner Powers”)

We do not try and prop-up any Christian denomination or “independent” church. Our goal is to teach true Christianity testing everything by the Word of God.

It is true that we feel safe using the Seven Ancient Antiochene Rules of Interpretation along with the background and history of the early church – mostly the first 451 years of the Christian Church. All Christians who visit this ministry can take from it what they believe God reveals to them. Our research is aided by our Antiochene Library and insight from many Bible scholars.

Some of what is taught here at TSW may seem strange and odd to many American Christians who have been isolated from the truth about early Christian history. This is why it is extremely important to understand early Christian history. We begin to understand and see how the Holy Spirit led the early church through 2000 years of differing cultures and traditions. Even today Christianity has taken on its own form right here in the United States.

From its earliest days Christianity has had to contend with false teachers and heretical dogma. Apostle Paul warned about apostasy in almost all of his letters. It is very important for today’s Christians to understand the times of the early apostles and how the early Church dealt with specific heresies.

Apostate propaganda is spread all over the place. It is up to each Christian to truly test the Truth’s presented to him or her. When one reads the counsels given to the seven churches in the Book of Revelation one must understand the cultural issues of these troubles and the early beliefs of those trying to confuse Christians. This way we understand just how it applies to us today.

We do not get paid to teach or share our message in anyway. Freely we have been given, freely we give.


ILuminosity and the Human Mechanism ~

First, we must understand that the Christian Bible is full of stories which involve killing, murder, cheating, stealing, lying, fornication etc. The Bible is in fact the most honest religious book regarding the fallen human condition. Our God does not lie to us, He says it like it is. Through the past five dispensations God has had to slowly reveal Himself to us in a much more certain and understandable way. We understand the dispensations as periods of time which act like a classroom, the school of planet earth.

Early on Divine Intelligence taught early humans to fear Him. To the early humans a message that involved loving your enemies was a sign of weakness. God must at first be understood as a strong God. Thus, early man was first taught about the power of God and that ignorant man should fear Him for their own safety.

As the dispensations rolled on God began to teach humanity to respect their own tribes and people which involved self-sacrifice. Sacrifice became the key lesson for further development. God became known as a race-God, a good friend of the people and an ally during times of war.

By the time we come to Jesus Christ, the beginning of the sixth dispensation, humans were ready to understand the bigness of God – God in Trinity. Sacrifice no longer meant the death of an animal or even a person but instead sacrifice became loving your enemies and being patient in love. In this dispensation (the dispensation of Grace) one must learn to sacrifice him or herself through the act of forgiveness and giving. Also, the pure doctrine, the doctrine of Jesus Christ and the coming Kingdom came forth in power and clarity to the entire world – all nations, kindreds, tribes and tongues.

The doctrine of consequence, good deeds, forgiveness, spiritual rebirth, all work together. This is enlightenment and thus the coming forth of true ILuminosity to the child of God.

Now let us talk about human perception. We will now name parts of the human mechanism to help understand this information. We must understand that we are created in the likeness of Divine Intelligence. God is a trinity and so are we. Every human is born with a spirit (pneuma), a soul (psyche), and a physical body (soma). We can break this down even further:

1 - The spirit of man:

The spirit of man is the gift of life, life essence to each human. It is also understood as the monad from God. It has a need for God – longing for a true relationship with God. It also contains your spiritual DNA – your uniqueness. The spirit of man enters the human at conception.

2 - The soul of man: Contains your mental body which involves reason and logic. It contains your memories, past and present. It is the point from which you project your personas and contains your core personality.

3 – The human physical body: Contains your five objective faculties which are; Sight, Hearing, Tasting, Touching, and Smelling. Also contains physical DNA memories from past ancestors, what one might call ‘the collective unconsciousness’.

4 – One more “body” that we recognize which bleeds through the spirit, soul and body of man is the emotional body. This involves all of our personal feelings. Some of these involve;





We are spiritual and material beings. All of our “bodies” bleed into each other and overlap each other. Our experiences (memories) since birth, both conscious and unconscious affect our emotions, feelings, and even our physical bodies. Through prayer and meditation decrees the things which activate the negative sinful experiences can become neutralized. A pure relationship with God through Jesus Christ brings this supernatural healing.

When a person becomes a Christian he or she begins to experience “spiritual rebirth” (gains the implantation of the Holy Spirit with his or her own spirit), and awakens to the perception of the Perfect Matrix in contrast to the Fallen Matrix. The person becomes an ILuminosite. An ILuminosite is a Christian (child of Light) who is maturing in the Word of God and begins to develop the clear spiritual vision which cuts through the Fallen Matrix and sees the true Light.

This is why, as Christians, our kingdom is not truly of this world. We are not caught up in the things of this fallen world but instead we have our eyes on Jesus Christ. We become the spiritual light in this fallen world and we are to “let our light shine”. We are transformed by the renewing of our mind. This does not mean that we gain perfection here and we all still struggle with personal sin but through the great work of Jesus Christ we have forgiveness and strength from the Holy Spirit to continue on in our Christian work. (Read; “Christian Harmony in a Fallen World”)

In today’s sinful world we witness and feel terrible things with the bodies and sensations that God has allowed us to have. The daily news is mostly terrible news. Should we ignore it? No. Should we understand it for what it is and not live in fear or anxiety? Yes.

We are living in the time of the “Babylonian Prophecy” and the first phase of Gog & Magog. (Read and watch our lectures regarding these subjects.) Divine Intelligence informed us about the stage of prophetic history and just where we stand on that stage. Understanding these things truly erases fear and reminds us that God is in full and complete control of His Great Plan. Many make it their interest to make sure that you all get very bad news with no hope.

Through Jesus Christ a “spiritual alchemy” occurs which allows us to transmute fallen-feelings and anxiety into proper psychic (soulish) energy. This renewed energy can thus be used to properly serve God.

We are dealing with fallen angels and the Kenites. There is in fact a spiritual battle but it truly has already been won by the ONE. By learning to rest in the One we learn to see clearly and make it through every trial. We are here, we are one. We become ILuminosite’s. All false perceptions are adequately met with through the Mind of Christ which dwells in us. Also, as Christians we are not to be “unevenly yoked” which means that we must be careful who we befriend, whether family or not.

Sometimes we may learn how to Biblically and properly help a person, in other cases the Holy Spirit will inform you to come at a complete disconnect from a person or persons. Christians are moral people. Today morality has become completely redefined by the Kenites and fallen ones. Being involved socially with non-Christians can happen through proper training and understanding.

The ILuminosite begins to truly understand his or her social personality or personas. By recognizing them one begins to consciously Christianize their self thus bringing out what we might call “individuation” which basically means you become more whole in your Christian experience – a mature Christian.

We live in a world of solids, liquids and gasses. We are experiencing a three-dimensional world comprising space, time, and matter. We are using our human faculties to experience and define this material world. As Christians we have the new spiritual dimension imparted by the Holy Spirit. This brings new insight and proper understanding – “the grace of illumination in an enlightened understanding. It is the Holy Spirit that constantly points us to Jesus Christ and to the development of the Christ nature. We become partakers of the Divine Nature. The fourth dimension is actually properly experienced within the renewed consciousness itself (The fourth dimension actually involves the spirit realm.) We also experience three phases of time; past, present, future. There is no such thing as a static “now” because everything is in constant change - flux. We must find the “Lux” in the “flux”. The only constant is eternity itself. Where will you spend it?


ILuminosity and Human betterment ~

 It is very important for the Christian to pray daily. Staying constantly conscious of Divine Intelligence is what puts us on the Higher Mind Channel. Our emotions sometimes switch the channel and bring us back into the fallen human nature (the Fallen Matrix). The more we study God’s word and learn proper and pure Christian doctrine the healthier we will become.

We must also learn how to properly define our environments. The world tells us to simply accept our environment and “go with the flow”. In other words, just act like everyone else and you will do fine. True Christians are in this world but not of this world. It is easy to give up and give in. However, as Christians we are attuned to a higher mind channel – the Mind of Christ. This world has advanced in regards to material gadgets and toys but when it comes to human mercy, forgiveness and spiritual health it has actually grown darker. (Read; “Hostility towards Christians increases”)

Why? Jesus has warned us that as we approach the end of this sixth dispensation things will grow spiritually darker than before. Eventually they will get better. We are not alarmed we are armed, with the spiritual armor of God. (Read our article: “The Armor of God and Inner Powers”)

Many of us are feeling anxiety today due to the experience of pre-rapture trouble (Read our article: “Pre-Rapture Trouble”). When we watch the news there is so much uncertainty. People have lost hours at work and many have lost their jobs. As Christians we have something in the midst of all of this that non-believers do not have. We have hope and we have peace – shalom!

We read in the prophet Isaiah the Lord says; “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength…”

Sadly, God goes on to say that many refuse this. Many people including Christians who are out of fellowship with God will never find the strength and peace through these times if they are not honest with themselves and God. We need to repent daily and watch how we think and let the Holy Spirit control all of our thoughts. (Read; “Forgiveness an Act”)

In Philippians 4:6 we are also told to make known all of our needs and wants. Having a personal relationship with God also means that we read His word and let Him talk back to us. Finding true rest in times of trouble means trusting in the Lord and bringing Him into your trouble through prayer. Even when it feels like He is not listening He is, He is always working behind the scenes.

We are told to dwell in “the secret place of the Lord”. That inner Sabbath is found in knowing that God sees everything that you are going through and everything that you are experiencing. As Christians we understand that our spirit and soul need proper nourishment and this means that we eat from “the bread of Life” daily. To be spiritually strong enough to go through we must eat right and rest right. (Read; “God in Suffering”)

Many a times we “walk through the shadow of death” knowing that we made it because of the Lord (Psalm 23:4). God’s true people are called “the protected ones”. This does not mean that we will never feel pain, loss, hurt and even death. As Christians if we suffer, we realize that it is to make us stronger and this doctrine is not accepted by the world’s standards. We can have ultimate peace when we look at Jesus Christ on the cross who took away our sins and paved the way for us to go be with Him forever. (Read our article about: “The New Earth”)

The grace and love of Jesus Christ is real. You can experience a true relationship with your Creator. He has given us so many things including His word. I would challenge you to remove all the “toxic” relationships from your life, people who refuse to understand you as a Christian or at least accept you for who you are – let them go. Bad company spoils good manners.

We can never create a “perfect” environment down here but we can learn to navigate through this fallen world with the help of Jesus Christ who lives inside of all true Christians. Praise the Lord and be thankful every day for your life and the things that He has provided. When bad thoughts or depression try and wedge their way in stop, pray, and thank the Lord. Think on good things and begin to realize that you are here just passing through into something much, much greater – you are headed towards the Kingdom of God. (Watch; “The Kingdom of God is Literal”)

Christians who have studied Christian ILuminosity (the Way) have testified to how better off they are in life. Those who study with us and practice praying, decreeing, meditation techniques and ILuminosity advice have gained a stronger faith, hope, and love but the greatest of these is LOVE.

It is extremely important to reprogram the fallen mind with proper Christian doctrine. By studying with us here you may begin the process – the download of proper spiritual understanding. There are no fines, fees or forms to becoming an ILuminosite. Simply accept Jesus the Christ as your Lord, God and Savior – be baptized by the water and the Word (If you have already been baptized there is no reason to be re-baptized.) and stay with the healthy church – it’s that simple.

Please continue your studies with us here at “The Shepherds Way” & “Nugget of Truth”.

*Start now by reading our articles and watching our lectures!

Your brother and friend in Christ Jesus,

~Eric William King (April 21st 2024 from Mt. Shiloh)


Read more TSW subject matter…..

*Christian Response to Spirituality

*Exposing Spiritualism

*Philosophy or Scripture?


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