Tuesday, May 28, 2024

What was before anything?


What was before anything?

By Eric William King (May 25th 2024)

True Christianity truly involves reason and logic. God gave us all minds and objective faculties to help us perceive. When we look at creation, we begin to realize that there is order in it all. Things work. Why? I can remember a spiritual experience that I had when I was in elementary school. I climbed a giant pole that was located in the sand box during recess one day. When I reached the top, I looked down at my fellow students running and playing in the school yard.

A thought came to me; "What was before all of this?" I could only see outer space with all of its galaxies, planets, and stars. But then I thought; "What was before all of space?" My next thought went to blackness, darkness must have existed before anything. But wait, blackness is a color, what was before blackness, what was before space? I started getting frightened for lack of an answer.

I pondered these thoughts and then the answer came. There must have always been something and from that something came everything. My mother raised me a Christian so the answer was with me the whole time. God. God was before all things and He is the intelligent creator of all that is, was, or ever shall be. I smiled as I slid back down the pole. This revelation has stayed with me even until this very day.

Our minds can easily get in the way of the simplicity of it all. We use our minds that God has given us every day to solve problems and make decisions. I believe we take our own minds for granted. Without God in our lives, it becomes easy to get caught up in this chaotic world. It is only when we truly learn to let God have His space in our life, in our own minds. Through the Holy Spirit I have begun to sense and experience true serenity.

I have learned, and continue to learn to let God give me His answers instead of worrying all the time about everything. When I try to stop controlling everything and everybody then God gives me the peace for life to go smoothly. Divine Intelligence controls my life much better than I can. Sometimes we need to learn to stay out of the way.

My challenge for you today, fellow Christian, is to accept the things that you face in life with the reality of knowing that a much greater power over sees you and wants the best for you even when it is sometimes hard to understand.

May you always experience the love of Jesus Christ every day.

By Eric William King (May 25th 2024)


All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.


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Listen to Introduction

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What was before anything?

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Addressing Christian Sanity

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Listen to Relationship with Divine Intelligence

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Listen to Christian faith every day

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Listen to Nature of Christ & God's Essence

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