Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Christian faith...every day.


Christian faith...every day.

By Eric William King (May 2024)

Each day is a gift from God. How will you spend it? Will you choose to only and always care for yourself, your “constant needs?” Or, will you take some time out to pay attention to those around you to see if you can help in anyway? The fact that we are here at all is a miracle.

As I have grown in my Christian faith, I have learned to see what I can do to help others. At church this may involve carrying some food items into the Church Kitchen, perhaps opening a door or two. How about helping clear the tables after a pot-luck? Help is needed all around us wherever we go.

No time to complain when you are truly helping others. Today, sadly, many have their heads buried in their cellphones. They have no time to look up, to see the wonderful creation all around them. To notice those hurting that they could at least pray for. We need not belittle the power of Christian prayer. To truly accept yourself and the Human condition is to realize that we all struggle inwardly and sometimes outwardly. Not one person goes without a worry or two.

We need to all stop thinking constantly about ourselves. All of the people of this world are greedy, materialistic, and addicted to someone or something that is not good for them. This is just the fact of the Human condition. Jesus Christ completely understands our dilemma and became Human to see, feel, touch and forgive. He brought true healing for the core of who we are, we are spiritual beings.

When a person truly accepts Jesus Christ as their Lord, God, and Savior one is granted a new state of consciousness. One gains a relationship with Divine Intelligence through the Living Word of Life – Jesus the Christ. As a Christian you begin to grow, never reaching perfection but allowing yourself to remain in constant and honest contact with the one who created you and loves you – God. It is God who does the changing, it is God who does the saving and healing. All He asks of us is to trust and obey – to believe. Our belief in God itself is a gift from the indwelling Holy Spirit – the Comforter.

Little by little we begin to grow into a spiritual maturity. This is a life process and all Human emotions are involved. In ending these thoughts, I challenge you to simply believe in Him and trust in Him. Simply accept God’s timetable. Let Him work in your life and you will begin to truly understand just how wonderful our God is.

Resting in Him always,

Eric William King (May 2024)


All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.


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Listen to Introduction

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What was before anything?

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Addressing Christian Sanity

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Listen to Relationship with Divine Intelligence

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Listen to Christian faith every day

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Listen to Nature of Christ & God's Essence

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