Antiochene Christian Theosis
The Ancient Antiochene
Church of God
By presbyter Eric William King
The Ancient Antiochene Church of God is the true Orthodox (Greek: "Straight Thinking") church.
Jesus built us up, His true Bride. We are grateful that our Savior does not lie
to us. He built His church and promised to keep it until the "catching
away" - He will return for us. We praise his holy name!
Basically, the Christian doctrine of theosis becomes clear shortly after
the time of Apostle Paul. St. Paul speaks of this important and sacred
doctrine. The word “theosis” means deification and for us
is interchangeable with the Greek word, “apotheosis” which
means “making divine”.
This involves the maturing process of every Christian in their walk with
Jesus Christ. It involves the process of Christian maturity. The aim of
this process is for the Christian to become more fully one, in union
with the “mind of Christ” in all that one does. The Ancient Antiochene Church
of God defines this doctrine differently than many of the offshoots. It is very
important to understand the truth of this doctrine.
It is true that the Eastern Churches practice a slightly different form of
this doctrine unto this day. Its original connection is with the Ancient Antiochene Church which eventually
migrated to the east of Israel to separate from the Roman Christians, those [Roman Christians] influenced more by the Alexandrian school of theological thought.
This doctrine teaches the importance of being grounded in the true
doctrines of the Church and involves fasting and Scripture meditations
creating a catharsis – a purification of mind and body. Those
who realize that they are truly part of the elect children of God may
now participate (not in salvation – salvation is free and no merit needed) in a
fuller unity with Christ through synergy.
This is also realized in (by experiencing) the uncreated energies
of God which contain God’s attributes. We absorb these Divine traits through
the sacraments and liturgical worship with our Lord. This is not
attained through Human reason and logic nor through intellectual training. It
comes supernaturally in our public and private time with God – Divine
Intelligence. Jesus Christ is the incarnate God and we (regenerated
Christians) have become “sealed” with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians
1:13). In this sense we are “little incarnate children of God”. Apostle
Peter confirms that we become “partakers of the
Divine Nature”. (1st Peter 1:4)
The proper doctrine of theosis does not teach that we become God but that
we are in the God family. We become Holy through our personal relationship with
God [Holy
Trinity]. Jesus prayed that we “become
one just as He and His Father are one” (John 17:21). This is true
apotheosis. We can never become the person (hypostases) of God nor can we
become His essence, ousia. It is impossible for anything created by God
to become God ontologically.
We never become “little gods” and we rebuke such ideas found in
paganism. We do share in God’s energeia
– God's eternal energies. We, through regeneration, become true Children
of God. A true Christian is “born from above” or “born again” through hearing the Word of God
and accepting Jesus Christ as the Messiah and incarnate God through the “gift
of faith”.
The mature Christian is hoped to receive theoria,
an inner illumination with the Holy Trinity. This starts by realizing
what we have been saved from, our fallen Human nature. It means that we
realize that our salvation has nothing to do with us, nothing from us, but
completely from God alone. Those who believe that their fallen sinful nature
some how participates in salvation will never experience theoria. Instead, they
receive delusions of grandeur.
I hope to post more articles regarding this important subject soon. In the
mean time stay with us here at “The Shepherds Way” and “Nugget of Truth”.
By presbyter Eric William King (July 23rd 2024)

*Also read Christian Theosis ~ The Shepherds Way
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