Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Some Ancient Mysteries Explained


Some Ancient Mysteries Explained 

Ancient Mysteries of the Ancient Antiochene Church of God

BY TSW Research Students

In a controversial article that presbyter Eric William King wrote on January 29th 2021 he talked of ancient mysteries and even an "ancient mystery school". This article raised eyebrows because of its many supposed claims. Here we wish to more thoroughly explain some of the content of this article.

This is done with permission of presbyter E.W. King. We hope that this helps those who inquired about this to get a fuller understanding. In this fascinating article Eric first explains the importance of understanding Ancient Antiochene Church of God anthropology and the age of planet Earth. The first church believed in an old Earth…a first Earth, where a Satanic rebellion occurred. This knowledge is part of the Genesis mysteries which only the Ancient Antiochene Church teaches.

Eric points out that the Neanderthal, the Denisovan, and the Nodites (early Human-type ancestors) inhabited the first Earth, before it was destroyed in the Luciferian rebellion. This is also part of the older [ancient] mysteries which the Ancient Antiochene Church has found recorded in some of its ancient documents [manuscripts]. This knowledge is also researched and documented in modern anthropology. There were some on the “first Earth” that had relationships with earlier Humans and with fallen angels (extra-terrestrials – meaning not originally from our planet).

There were groups of early Humans which preserved this knowledge. Eric goes on to state:

“This enlightened group was known as “the Ancients” [the Elders]. Some of the Ancients formed a sacred school where they reenacted their visitations with the angels (before those angels fell in the Luciferian rebellion). The practice of such rituals was to remember what had happened and to help understand their [human] history. Throughout time many of these practices lost their true meaning due to the thousands of years of handing them down. Many stories kept growing, additions and new details being made up or misplaced. Religions formed around who had the “right story”. The ancient angelic visitors began to be worshiped as “gods” and there was a hope for their return.

We find this evidence in modern archeological finds of ancient civilizations. Many deferent races of people practicing different religious beliefs and superstitions have for thousands of years existed on planet Earth. These reenactments (rituals) contain some truth in that they contain plays of ancient memories. These first Human ancestors can be documented in almost all parts of the planet.

Eric goes on in the article to explain:

“At about 240 million years ago the angelic beings began a new phase of governing our planet. They started a new project that was given [to] them but during this time the Luciferian Rebellion began. Lucifer, the leader and overseer of the planet [early Earth] sinned. The Bible informs us that pride entered into him and from then on, he grew evil. He began to believe that he could govern the planet without the help of God. He even believed that he could genetically create better. In fact, some scholars speculate that Lucifer started experimenting with genetic manipulations and creations, something God forbade him to do.”

Amazingly, modern DNA and genetic science has revealed evidence of Human DNA tampering. Things in the Human DNA seem to have somehow gone through rapid changes in time and there is even evidence of “new strand” connections [in the DNA helix] being implemented through some “higher intelligence”. In other words, something that changed us beyond the mere so called “natural law” processes.

Eric states that after the Luciferian rebellion; “At this time dinosaurs had been created yet the rebellion affected their creation. Distortion now entered the first earth.” So, the dinosaurs existed before what Christians know as the “first” two Humans, Adam and Eve. This is why the dinosaurs are not mentioned in the “re-creation” of planet Earth which is recorded in the first couple chapters of Genesis. Again, this information is part of the “ancient mystery knowledge” which the Ancient Antiochene Church of God claims to have. No part of the ancient knowledge interferes with the true message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but instead supports it and gives it a deeper understanding for those who wish to see and understand a much bigger picture of reality.

Eric goes on to explain that Lucifer and one third of the angelic host that sided with him were eventually cast out of their access to the Third Heaven [and all the higher Heavens] onto this planet Earth. They are now confined in their operations to outer-space, Earth’s atmosphere, and to Humans that they are allowed to possess. This is extremely fascinating information and very important for understanding just how things are operating in this Fallen Matrix. [Eric refers to our entire current system-of-things as, the Fallen Matrix.]

Eric explains that when God started to reconstruct this planet; its atmosphere, surface, plant life, animal life, and Human life (as recorded in the Genesis account) – there were some Humans that survived the first Earth disruption (by the grace of God), and kept the knowledge which was handed down, knowledge of the First Earth, its angelic visitors, and the war in heaven which took place. This knowledge continued to be handed down all the way into the early and great civilizations of our current Earth experience. (Since the Genesis account we are said to be experiencing; the Second Earth)

Eric states;

Pythagoras was certainly an initiate of the Ancient Mystery School

“Now that all humanity had become “cut off” from its direct connection to Divine Intelligence it focused on redemption, reconciliation and enlightenment through knowledge [Gnosis] alone.”

Note: Some added extreme ascetic practices along with their Gnostic beliefs.

“This sacred and “secret” [or “protected”] knowledge goes back to some of the paintings found on the Lascaux cave, going all the way back to 40,000 BCE.  Sometime around 30,000 BCE the great isle of Lemuria was still afloat in the Pacific Ocean and many of those who latter become known as the “Nodites” lived there and operated many schools of learning.”

The ancient land of Lemuria is explained in ancient Hawaiian myths and legends today. The Hawaiians believe that they are remnants of that ancient civilization.

Eric talks about the fact that lots of tectonic plate activity has occurred in planet Earth’s history. Modern geologists and scientists have documented these facts. It is amazing that the dates of such occurrences given by Eric in his article validate what archeologists have discovered.

Eric explains that much of this ancient knowledge was also preserved for God’s people [descendants of Abraham] to be kept and protected. Eric quotes passages of Scripture in his article that are amazing when looked at more closely. Eric goes on to explain:

“Much of this ancient knowledge is found spread throughout our planet - in many civilizations and cultures, many peoples, nations, tribes and tongues had retained some of this knowledge. The ancient stories were handed down and are still practiced in some of the ancient “priesthoods”, even unto this day.”

“The ancient group known as the Therapeuti spread much of the ancient medicine techniques abroad (Including with the Essenes). Those ancient descendants of Seth also retained this ancient knowledge and kept it pure and hidden within the priesthood of what became known as “The Order of Melchizedek”. However, the Kenites abused the sacred knowledge and used it to control people.”

In another article which helps explain this information, it is stated;

“God raised up descendants of Seth as “Preachers of Righteousness” to warn the rebels and the Kenites that this activity was wrong (referring to the fallen angelic activity).  Seth was born to replace Abel whom Cain murdered. We read, “And to Seth, to him also there was born a son; and he called his name Enos: then began men to call upon the name of the Lord [call themselves by God’s name].” (Genesis 4:25-26) “

“These were the original “Preachers of Righteousness”. Of course, the people did not heed their message so judgment came which was the Great Flood. Many years after the flood in the Patriarchal Dispensation God called Abraham into the office of a “Preacher of Righteousness”.  We could say that Seth, Noah, Jared, Enoch, and Methuselah also held this important office. “

“Of course, the famous Melchizedek (“king of righteousness”) was a priest of this office. Some scholars claim that he was Shem, son of Noah. Melchizedek brought forth “wine and bread” (Genesis 14:18-20) to serve to the faithful. Jesus the Christ is a High Priest after “The Order” of Melchizedek (Hebrews 7:1-3; 11-12) who also brought forth “wine and bread” to represent the fulfillment of the New Covenant which all “Preachers of Righteousness” taught. “

“Today there are still “Preachers of Righteousness”, many who study here at “The Shepherds Way”. We are proclaiming the New Covenant and Jesus Christ is our Lord. We are also warning this planet of the judgments to come. I hope that you get the chance to receive the fullness of the Gospel, especially in these last days.” ~ From: “Ancient Preachers of Righteousness”, By Eric William King (June 7th 2020)

Eric believes that the sacred Melchizedek Priesthood was protected all the way up to the appearance of Jesus Christ, and that Jesus Christ became the High-Priest “after the Order of Melchizedek.” (Hebrews 7:11) Jesus still holds this office to this day and into eternity. All Christian saints are priests after this Order.

The Ancient Antiochene Church agrees with Scripture where it states that Moses was trained in the ancient mysteries (Acts 7:22). Eric goes on to reveal;

“The Egyptians maintained most of the secrets of the original “Elders”. At the exodus of the Hebrew people Moses, who was initiated in the ancient Osirian Egyptian Schools took the knowledge and protected it. Moses protected it, Solomon inherited it. This sacred knowledge stayed protected all the way up until the time of Jesus Christ. When the ancient Hebrews left Israel and journeyed over the Caucus Mountains into Europe, they took this wisdom with them.” 

Note: As Moses grew, he became highly educated in the Osirian mysteries of Egypt. He was also trained by the Keri Hebs (Egyptian mystery priests – Acts 7:22). In other words, he was highly educated in ancient Egyptian Wisdom. Today some of this ancient pagan Egyptian wisdom is still found being taught in the Rosicrucian Order, a modern Mystery School which has connections to the ancient Osirian occult wisdom.

“During the time of Jesus, the wisdom from the original Elders was being practiced amongst the hermits of the Dead Sea region such as the spiritual group known as the Essenes [even allowing “women priests”]. The main culture which protected the ancient knowledge was of course the Greek culture. It is from the Greeks that we get the rich and ancient knowledge “left-over’s.”

Now, it must be made extremely clear that none of this ancient knowledge is to be understood as “Gnostic”, there is nothing really “secret” about it. It has been protected, and somewhat “hidden” to most theological students, but it has always been available. Through many ancient and modern books this knowledge has been documented and readily available to those students who want to truly go “deeper” and understand the true history of our planet.

Nor is this knowledge to be compared to or having anything to do with what people refer to as the “New Age” movement. It is true that Satan has taken the ancient truths of our planet and has twisted them to his own fallen likings. He has created many false religions and superstitions over these facts.

Eric states that this is very important to understand;

“Our Christian learning’s [teachings] from the Scriptures are NOTGNOSTIC”. The Gnostics were false pagan mystery cults which twisted God’s word and distorted the Truth (They added to God’s Word and stopped believing in Sola Scripture). They taught and believed in reincarnation and that you had to be vegetarian to be truly enlightened. They mixed ideas from other religions into their Christianity and formed false churches and cults of every shape, size, and color…. much like we see today.”

“This ministry [“The Shepherds Way - TSW”] has given lectures warning against Gnosticism and false religion (Such as exposing the so called, ‘New Age’). If you study here, you will become well informed about many issues. We do not ask for money or anything else. We offer the true Gospel of Jesus Christ, and it has always been free. It was paid for by the blood of our Lord – Jesus the Christ.”

Eric believes that St. Martin Luther knew about many ancient “mysteries” regarding the First Earth but that he was not interested in revealing them nor talking about them (nor was he interested in eschatology and the Book of Revelation). Luther saw much of this information as being just mythology – stuff that could never be proven and would distract from the simple preaching of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Eric agrees with St. Luther. Much of this ancient information does not really need to be known or understood to receive true salvation through Jesus Christ our Lord. This information is for the delight of those Christians who want such information and knowledge. God created us all to be different. Thank God.

Eric concludes his controversial article with;

“The Roman Church decided to conceal much of the ancient wisdom of “the Elders” from the common folk and reserve it for their “elite” few at the Vatican. They [Papal “elite”] have replaced the “angelic gods” and hidden the truth about the history of our planet from the masses. Why? Simply for control.  However, today, the so called “Jinni” is out of the bottle.

“Today the true ancient mystery school is still here and active. The Ancient School still uses the Rose & Cross as a symbol. The deeper teachings of the school are not needed for salvation, they are not an addition to the Holy Scriptures. Instead, they are a way of understanding God’s natural laws, the laws of nature and how they work…. most importantly, how they are all in agreement with God’s Word.”

Today, presbyter E.W. King teaches these “natural laws” in his lectures titled; “ILuminosity”.

When Eric says; “Today the true ancient mystery school is still here and active.” He simply means that these mysteries are openly being spoken about in the Ancient Antiochene Church of God.

So, we hope that this has helped those Christian students who have been enquiring to receive more information regarding these controversial subjects to get a better understanding. All of us here at “The Shepherds Way” and “Nugget of Truth” hope and pray that you keep studying God’s word with us here. We love you and keep all Christians in our prayers.

~TSW July 21st 2024

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