The Seven Circles of Christian Maturity
By Eric William King
explain this, I will set a foundation regarding a basic understanding of what I
am calling “circles”. We could picture these circles as a small center
circle and then other circles getting bigger surrounding it…circles within
circles. These represent relationship attainments within your personal
relationship with God.
All of these
can be experienced as “new spaces” of entrance while growing in your Christian
faith. We must never understand these levels of spiritual growth as gaining “brownie
points” or as if you are earning something or attaining to your own salvation.
These steps are humble and grateful steps to better your personal relationship
with Divine Intelligence.
Only somebody
who is already saved can attain these levels. We are “saved by grace through
faith”. Salvation cannot be earned or lost. In Jesus Christ “it is finished.”
It must be
realized that all of these “realms” (circles) are already present within each
Christian and to some extent, these realms are already being experienced but
certainly not fully realized. To become conscious of these states of
consciousness is important for spiritual growth and maturity.
Those who have
studied our “Ancient Antiochene Kabbalah”
will have a better foundation regarding this study. It is also very good to
have a basic understanding of the Seven Heavens
as we proceed. There are very short articles regarding these subjects here at “The Shepherds Way” and “Nugget of Truth” to receive a good
Brief look at the Heavens
are four created heavens. Apostle Paul was taken to the 3rd heaven
and experienced the reality of it. What the Bible calls the “highest heaven” is
where the “Tabernacle of God” is. This is the real temple, not the copy.
The outer court area is the realm of the fifth heaven. This is the first “uncreated
realm”. In the ancient Hebrew it is referred to as Ain Soph Or –
“light without limit”. It is a very real realm.
The next highest
“uncreated” heaven is the 6th. In ancient Hebrew it is called Ain Soph – “without limit”. Finally, the 7th heaven. The
seventh heaven is called in the Hebrew, Ain – “no thing” (not ultimately
definable). There is another secret that we refer to as the “eighth heaven”. This is something that we
sometimes talk openly about but there is really no information regarding this
The Ancient
Antiochene mysteries also speak of the 40
Dimensions. We refer to these as
the “known dimensions”. These dimensions
pierce all of the four created heavens and are sometimes used as “pathways”
for Seraphic and Angelic travel.
Brief look at the 8 Experiences
As Christians who are growing, we experience the:
God has produced these eight experiences for His
children. God has made male and female to come together and experience the
existence of Divine Relationship with Him (a true syzygy). Because of the
rebellion of the Wicked One we are in the Fallen Matrix. Jesus has come into
our Fallen Matrix to give us Light and Life – complete restoration.
Each of the Eight
Experiences can only be defined by the individual Christian
experiencer. Each of these can be contemplated and meditated on. This should
be done with the aid of the Holy Scriptures. It may be very different for
each Christian. These must be contemplated to gain conscious attainment of the Seven Circles.
Note: The study of these
leads to the study of the Antiochene Aphorisms.
The Seven Heavens
& Seven Circles
We sometimes call God’s word, “The Seven-Fold Word of God”. The number “seven” in the Bible represents
“perfection” and or “completion”. God’s word travels through the three highest
heavens down into the Pleroma (the created space of God). It travels through all
Seven Heavens, “refined seven times”. [Psalm 12:6] God holds everything
together through His word. To receive God’s word in purity is to truly hear the
Holy Spirit – Sophia. The Holy Spirit always points us to God’s word for
clarification and validity.
I will now give a very brief description of the Seven
Heavens and their correlation with the Seven Circles. Remember, all that I have
told you thus far is not to frighten you with details but to strengthen your
understanding of these secrets which have been handed down to us by the saints
of the past. We must always thank God for protecting His Truth and His saints.
This journey has certainly not been cheap.
The First Heaven
The 1st heaven is our planets atmosphere. There are Seven Heavens in which each Aeon exists. God’s Uncreated
Energies penetrate all of His creation. The lowest heaven is the planetary
atmosphere, the blue sky and great clouds of our planet Earth. Here the birds
fly, the rain falls, and the wind blows. Hot and cool whisps breeze through.
Here we breathe with the rest of creation. God speaks in this heaven through
His thunderous voice. Time can be experienced differently here by different
In this heaven Humans experience dreams in the theater sphere of the mind.
Anxieties and fears are neutralized in this theater and sometimes revelations
or visions are given. Even the fallen Archons may plant images of fear, distrust,
or perversion to harass the true seeker.
The First Circle: All Humans experience this first
circle consciously. Our spirit/souls are given a flesh body and we begin our
experience - journey. Each person’s experience is individual, personal and
powerful. Each is here to learn and grow and find his or her relationship with
Divinity. In this realm we are each given physical faculties to use as antennas
in our experience. We are given “mind”, “body” and the “senses” to help us
discover. It is here that the “born again” Christian student is asked to
truly study the ILuminosity of God’s blessed and Holy Word.
In this first circle we discover that we exist within the Fallen Matrix. Many fallen-humans come up with
their own, somewhat delusional, philosophy to help guide them through. It is in
this first heaven that we are hoped to hear the Word of God and listen to the
Gospel. This is the “new program”, the spiritually needed update. There is also
a “spiritual war” going on in this realm. It is
here that we must find Jesus the Christ.
Each Human has the opportunity in this realm to receive the indwelling of
the Holy Spirit. This happens through the
sacrament of baptism. During this point the infusion of Sophia into the human mind and spirit happens.
This First Circle is for each to reach immortal possibilities. We have all been
given a chance to escape the fallen-delusion of existence and enter consciously
the Great Plan of Divine Intelligence.
The Fallen World is only conscious of this first realm and is considered “spiritually
The Second Heaven
The 2nd heaven is the outer space of our beloved planet and all
other planets. Galaxies dwell here. Here the stars shine, the moons float, the
cosmic dust blows (Job 38:31). The angelic host flies in, out, and through this
great cosmic expanse. From here the Watchers dwell. They have overseen the Fallen Creation.
There are both good and bad angels, some with bodily form and craft, we may see
their “chariots of fire” sometimes in the nighttime sky. There are
windows in the Second Heaven that open to entirely new heavens of creation.
Time moves slower in this heaven at differing levels.
The Second Circle
The Second Circle: Humans can experience this Second Circle through the study of the great
expanse. Astro-physics is the “theology” found in this realm. This is where
the Christian begins to experience the natural
laws of God’s creation as a child and as an adult. Learning how the
natural laws work in conjunction with their Christianity. Most Christians today
separate their understanding of natural laws from God. This should never be done.
Humans can also enter this Second Heaven whenever they travel to
outer-space (Astronauts). The universe and outer space are the Second Heaven.
Of course, we must modify our Human bodies to move, eat, live, walk, and travel
in space just as God must again modify our bodies to enter the Third Heaven.
A Mediation Point
Approaching the “door way” (sometimes called “passing through the veil”) to the 3rd heaven we enter a realm of
bright light. This is a transition point which separates a finer matter from a
much denser matter. The spirit/soul travels through this light usually
conscious of a guide, but not always. One cannot enter this realm without the presence
of one of God’s angels. Sometimes one may enter this realm because of an
out-of-body experience. Apostle Paul claims to have done this in one of his
letters to the Corinth church.
This realm is not confined to space and time
as we understand them. There is space and there is time in this place but of a different
experience. This is the truth regarding all of the heavens.
Sometimes God allows for powerful visions to occur in
this realm. These visions involve people being able to talk to dead loved ones.
Sometimes extreme emotional feelings of peace and love, with perhaps visions of
fields of flowers are felt and seen. Those who have these types of experiences
come back into their bodies and can write about what they have experienced or
share it publicly with others as a message of hope. Apostle Paul tells us
not to deny visions but to test the fruit of them by the Word of God.
Some people sense that they become part of the “wall
of light”. This is because they are in their spirit/soul body when traveling to
the 3rd heaven which gives them a special connection to the light.
It must be noted here that there is such a thing as a false “sensation” of
“oneness” (and a false light) which many mistake for the true experience. There
is a material frequency in the first two heavens, where Humans live, that can
vibrate the lower, denser material body with the Fallen Matrix. These usually
are just experienced as physical sensations which have deep emotional
sensations – they are not true travel experiences.
Only a person chosen of God can truly enter this true
LIGHT which lies between the 2nd and 3rd heavens. This
can also be experienced in Christian trance and or meditation.
God will choose whom He wishes to have such experiences. If one is able to pass
completely through this light-barrier he or she enters Paradise, the 3rd
heaven. These people have crossed from “Earth life” to “Heaven life”. On Earth
their bodies return to dust, their spirit/soul now resides in Paradise. This is
the “transition” of the true Christian spirit/soul at Human death.
The Third Heaven
The 3rd heaven (Paradise) is still a created
heaven (part of the Pleroma). It is also permeated, like everything else, with
God’s super-material, His uncreated
energies. This is a created
heaven and contains a finer matter – what we truly begin to call “spiritual”,
and it contains no sin. The barrier of LIGHT is the spiritual “fire wall” which
protects this heaven. It works as a filter, no sin allowed completely through.
In rare occasions complete spirit/souls have gone all the way through the
light-barrier and then have returned to planet Earth. Apostle Paul claims to
have done this and he stated that he was not permitted to speak about what he
had seen and witnessed. This is most certainly a mystery.
There are some visions that involve seeing light, bright
light, and people are taken into “light”. Some of these experiences may be
Christian “chariot” [Merkabah] visions and they have nothing directly to do with 3rd
heaven experiences. Merkabah visions have to do more with God entering our
reality to bring us up rather than us just appearing in higher [realization of] the Reality. Spiritual discernment must be practiced.
Merkabah visions and experiences are connected with extraterrestrial
[angelic, both good and bad] encounters. The Christian must have
pure doctrinal understanding from Ancient
Antiochene Kabbalah to understand these
issues clearly – maturing spiritual discernment.
The Third Circle
The Third Circle is experienced when the Christian has had confirmations of
the reality of God within their Pneuma (spirit) because of their infusion
with the Holy Spirit. It is in the Third Circle that a good understanding of
the Soma (Body), the Psyche (Soul), and the Pneuma (Spirit) come together. At this point
the Christian becomes a conscious “mystic”.
He or she begins to see God everywhere and in everything.
This state of consciousness sometimes comes and goes but through practice
it can become a constant attainability. Small altars are special places for meditation,
prayer, and growth. Ancient Antiochene Christians have a special place in their
home to meditate, pray, and study. Some homes have many areas for this, inside
and out. Those experiencing the reality of the 3rd heaven (spiritual
world) use the Antiochene bead meditations and powerful personal prayer. Antiochene Affirmations can also be used.
To get to the Third Heaven we must experience the
Great Wall of Light. Sometimes we are brought to that Great Light to
receive visions and clarifications. God reveals new things to all of his
children. Gaining these we gain the “gift of
Dreams are sometimes used for these types of experiences but it must be
remembered that the “Dream World”
takes place on “the stage”, in the “theater” of the subconscious mind.
Dreams are not always to be trusted unless understood correctly through the use
of God’s word and prayer.
Take time out to contemplate my other articles and lectures regarding the
understanding of the “Dream World” and how it is properly used.
The Fourth Heaven
The 4th heaven is the upper atmosphere of Paradise itself. Seraphim and Cherubim
fly in this glorious heaven. The Chariot of God, containing disks within disks
comes down into this atmosphere to visit His translated/resurrected saints.
Even the saints themselves may fly in this beautiful heaven. This upper expanse
of Paradise contains the City of God
where many of the righteous dwell. Through rules of created thought wonderful
experiences are had here.
We must remember that there are the “40
known dimensions” linking all of these heavens. New senses
(faculties) are gained to experience these dimensions. These faculties are
infused into our pneuma (spirit) by the connection to the Seven-Fold
purity of God’s word. The Word of God is depicted as traveling through “seven tubes” (portals) containing “special golden oil” (Divine Matrix
Information – revelation) into and through the heavens – right into our
material realm, the First Heaven. The prophet Zechariah had this powerful
vision. The Apostle John also informs us hundreds of years later that these
messages travel to the “seven lamps” which represent the Seven Churches.
This is all part of the final counsel to the Seventh
Church – that of Laodicea.
The Fourth Circle
The closer you get to the 5th heaven the more
you sense everything “as one”. There is no differentiation between seemingly
what is matter and what is atmosphere – yet there is still a sense of separation
through and into this ascension. This is because the 5th heaven is
the first of the “uncreated heavens”. It does not have any type of “matter”
that we would ever recognize or be able to compare to anything. Also, the
individual spirit/soul gains a new faculty of perception in this realm which is
unexplainably impressive.
So, the 4th heaven is the last of the
“created” heavens. For those beginning to experience the Fourth Circle this
means an extreme change in thinking begins to occur. This must happen before
birth into the Fifth Circle. Notice how all of the Seven Circles have some connection
or correlation to each of the Seven Heavens. This is why, as a true
Christians, we are “already seated” next to Christ Jesus in heaven. Why?
Because Jesus Christ has given us a personal relationship with Him and has
confirmed the reality of heavenly things to us. “On Earth, as it is in
In this circle of conscious existence, we also have the
reality of Angels. We have witnessed answered prayers at a high level.
We understand and are conscious of our Guardian Angel. We never talk to our Guardian
Angel; we only talk to God and thank God for our Guardian Angel.
We may have noticed personal signs that God has given us
throughout the years. We hold to the precious individual and unique experience
that we all have. We serve a personal and loving God. In this
circle we gain a strong, peaceful and powerful faith in our God. Apostle Paul
would say that we have reached “self-control”, or at least a good amount of it
at this point in our growth.
We also at this point have developed a good understanding
of the Seven Counsels to the Seven
Churches as given to us by Jesus Christ found in the Book of Revelation. We are now applying these counsels daily to our lives.
We have at this circle also received a good understanding of God’s Septenary Mysteries.
We have accepted the Seventh Angel’s message. We are now ready to receive experiences from the
uncreated realm much more directly than ever before. When we enter the
next realm, we begin to experience “heaven on Earth”, the Divine Matrix.
The Fifth Heaven
The 5th heaven is beyond the atmosphere of Paradise and it is
called the Outer Court. It is the
grand circle of the great expanse which surrounds the Holy and Holy of
Holies. It is the beginning or yard of the Temple of Heaven. It is the first
uncreated heaven. Moses was commanded to make a copy of this temple on Earth
(Hebrews 8:5 – Revelation 15:5). This became the Sanctuary where the Holy
Spirit, Sophia came down in She-kinah
glory. Only when God calls a created being to enter, then they may enter this
realm. Perfect unchanging-law is experienced (fully realized) here.
This Fifth Heaven is the first of the eternal
heavens. It has a “floor” or “foundation” that it is built on called
the Sea of Glass. This sea of glass
is what divides it from the lower heavens much like the 2nd and 3rd
heaven are divided by the GREAT LIGHT. On this platform is the eternal heaven
for the saints and a special throne of the LORD. It is an eternal expanse - a
Heavenly Garden which is beyond known beauty and unimaginable. The four heavens
under this realm are the Pleroma. The
Pleroma contains all of the creation and created energy - the first four
heavens and all that is in them. The lower heavens will be completely
restored at the Restoration of All-things.
Creation itself longs for that day.
The Fifth, Sixth, and
Seventh Circle
We now have the “highest of heavens”, the
Trinity of the heavens. Heaven 5,6, and 7 comprise the Temple of God in Heaven and the abode, or home of the Supreme God Intelligence. I cannot, nor do
other Antiochene Christians, speak openly yet about these final circles of the
Seven Circles.
We know that the more sacred descriptions and titles of these heavens are;
7th – Ain (the Highest)
6th - Ain Soph
5th - Ain Soph Or
The Sixth Heaven
The 6th heaven is the Holy Place of the heavenly expanse - the Heavenly Temple. In here special council
is held between God and His Archangels (Job 2:1). Seven High Angels dwell in
this sanctuary dressed in exceedingly white garments. This is also a special
place of communication with the angelic host. Jesus as High Priest officiates
in the courts of heaven from here. It is here that He announces that His
children are completely forgiven and sealed and saved.
The Seventh Heaven
The final and 7th heaven is the
Holy of Holies. This is where the Trinity dwells as Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit. No one may enter this place and survive save through theosis and
God’s approval. Here is where the untouchable, unexplainable, unknowing exists.
This is the highest, above all other heavens. A non-created reality of all that
God is, was, or ever shall be. Here is center nowhere and
circumference everywhere.
Inside this eternity there is an 8th reality/unreality – sometimes called the 8th heaven –
but in reality, it does not exist, it just is. The only things that we really
know about this “realm” is the fact that there is no sin or death, it is
eternal and perfect LOVE.
“Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the
heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession.” (Hebrews 4:14)
We have become introduced to the Seven Heavens and the Seven
This is most certainly true.
Eric William King (December 2017) ~ Some Early Original Revelations for TSW

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