Ancient Antiochene
Antiochene Mystery of Oneness.”
By presbyter Eric William King (December 17th
We have been
asked; “How do Ancient Antiochene Christians understand the ‘oneness’ of
everything? Many New Age religions teach that all is one, with no division?
What do you believe?”
So, how does a
true Christian answer these types of questions? The Apostle Paul states that in
God “we move, breath, and have our being.” It is true that God’s presence is in
everything and untouched by sin or created energy.
First of all,
we as Christians do not teach, nor do we believe in, the teaching of
reincarnation. This false teaching is a faith issue, it cannot be proved, it
must be believed. As Antiochene Christians we believe in God’s mysteries
as expressed in His word [The Christian Bible]. From the Infinite All came everything that we
could call “a thing”. God created space with His uncreated energy then
placed created energy within the space. We understand the created space to make
up four material “heavens”. Though God’s uncreated energy pervades everything
His “created energy” does not invade or in anyway interfere or connect with
uncreated energy.
So, we could
say that from this single point of creation came everything. The one point becomes
many points. Within this material creation that we see and experience there is
polarity. There is a mysterious unity within matter, a unity within diversity.
The Bible teaches us that “God is love”. It is interesting to note that Apostle
Paul also stated that; “God can be seen in the things of creation.” In creation
we witness natural laws, natural laws of God. We see “the law of
attraction” operative at the atomic level. In Chemistry and Biology, we witness
the laws of attraction. We also see that molecules record memory and even
atomic energy records memory. Memory is an act of consciousness. As
Christians this proves that God’s consciousness controls all things. Jesus
stated that not one small bird falls from the sky without Heavenly Father
knowing about it.
We do not
witness an impersonal God while witnessing creation. We see and experience relationship.
We witness “active” and “passive” relationships in the things of Chemistry. In
the human and animal kingdom we have the “male” and “female” relationship. The
natural law of attraction denotes that God’s love also permeates everything.
God’s Supreme
Force holds everything together. God is LOVE and He is the Infinite All. Before
all things as we know them, God existed as Trinity. God in Three
Persons. This is the Grand Mystery. We also have the Incarnation, God coming
into His created material cosmos in the person of Jesus the Christ. God ‘coded’
for us His will and instructions within our Christian Bible ~ this is the Book
[scroll] that is “sealed up” to the fallen world, Sealed with Seven Seals,
but is laid open for us His saints through and by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Those who have
eyes will see, and those who have ears will hear.
We are learning
about God’s “everywhere-ness”.
This is most
certainly true.
Eric William King (December 17th 2024)

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