Ancient Antiochene
Christian Mystic Perspective.”
By presbyter Eric William King (December 16th
The damage that false religion has done is deep. The “ghost
cults” are still having affect in the pagan held traditions. Ancient Humans
that were not connected properly to the Seven-Fold Stream of God’s Word, people
from more superstitious religions, would have dreams of dead loved ones or dead
hated ones and think;” They are still someplace in a ghost-body.” The belief in
a “spirit-body” started early. There is a “spirit” in humans with a soul
but having dreams and fear of the dead falls into a different category. Belief
in ghosts and evil spirits became the mainstream belief.
The fact is, there are evil spirits [fallen angels - Archons]
and they are not ghosts. Humans have a spirit but it belongs to God.
Your spirit can only go one of two places ultimately. It is true that the human
spirit/soul can travel in meditation and trance but also out of body. This does
not make you a ghost.
We could list many superstitions that are in specific
religions but you get the idea. The Ancient Antiochene Church of God in the
year 2024, going right into 25, believes that mainstream ‘American Christianity’
has lost touch with real Christianity – the fact is, each individual Christian
has the right to think and speak and share what God has shown him or her – so,
here goes. All true Christian teachings are built upon the teachings of Jesus
Christ found in His written word and spoken of in the First Church [during the Apostolic
& Patristic periods].
So, what is the goal of the true Christian message? This
must be put into proper perspective. Many might find this difficult to digest
but here are some very important truths to realize about true Christianity. Of
course, the main goal is to get a person to hear the Gospel Truth about Jesus
the Christ. The hope that a person after hearing and understanding will get
freed from the bondage of sin and death through repentance and forgiveness
which is gifted to us by Jesus the Christ. All Christians pray that people
become “born again (anew)” with a personal and powerful relationship
with God.
True Christianity transforms the life. Many today have no
clue of material values for existence. Many extreme so called “New Age/Hippie”
minded groups choose not to believe in one “religion” or “spiritual path”. They
say that those who hold to such a “one way” path are “closed minded”. So, their
way is “right” now, and your way is wrong. It comes down to belief. True
Christianity involves proper understandings of natural and universal
laws minus superstition.
True Christianity is the study of Human life and its
relationship with God and creation. Christianity is not trying to prove ‘this’
or that ‘denomination’ to be the only “true church”. The true church is not a
denomination though most Christians are spread throughout them today. Most Christian
churches and world religions are devoted to explaining doctrine minus individual
and proper application and without the inner mystical Christian experiences in
a true relationship with God, those religions are dead. Christianity is the way
of special “revelation” and “insight” on many levels of existence. It is certainly
a very personal journey, though the love of the “Body of Christ” (the Church)
is involved through prayer, friendship and worship.
Sadly, many who call themselves “Christians” are simply
following a ‘rule list’ or ideology while missing out on the true mystical
Christian experience. Instead of defending Jesus Christ they get caught up in
defending their churches doctrines. If they are atheists, they begin to point
out how imperfect Christians are. Proper doctrine is very important, but it
must contain personal experience, testing and trying. Your faith
must become LIVING.
True Christianity has shown that God continues to reveal
from His word new Truth for every generation. Christianity is a
living experience; it is not just “head knowledge”. Even psychological
movements along with trendy “spirituality” groups have claimed to have the “Key
of all understanding” - of course to think that way is arrogant thinking. We
must keep growing and expanding if we are to learn and mature. We must always remain
humbly teachable. Only God has all the answers. Each adaptation of each new
generation has found the Word of God and the Christian Gospel Message
unchangingly powerful - One Truth that has set billions free from sin and
True Christianity keeps on giving inner awakenings
regarding all subjects. I encourage you to keep studying here. Even if you are
not a Christian you can at least begin to understand the immensity of the
Christian message and at the same time be overwhelmed at its simplicity. If you
already attend some church, you are still welcome. If you do not attend any
church, you are still welcome. Learn to make in your own home a “private chapel
area” [Home Sanctum] for devotion, meditation, study and prayer.
If you enjoy what you are learning here at “The Shepherds Way” and “Nugget
of Truth” we welcome you as a fellow brother or sister in Christ.
We now have Christians who study with us here and attend many different
Christian churches and gatherings. We have “home schooled” students, we have
atheist students, and we have people who just find it interesting to read and
study our information. Welcome.
It is my hope that your studies here will allow you to
truly develop your own thoughts and feelings towards God. It is very important
to understand that Humans are wired to believe in God. Our God has not left us
alone to guess about everything. No. Divine Intelligence has left us His letter,
title-deed, diary, love letter. His word contains all of
His wisdom and promises for us, His true children.
We are learning that we must continue to learn.
This is most certainly true.
Eric William King (December 16th 2024)
NOTE: E.W. King
has stated that “true Christian’s experience “the mysteries” of the true God
relationship.” Ancient Antiochene Christians have no problem being called
“Mystic Christians”.

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