Tuesday, September 3, 2024

"Antiochene Christian perspective." ~ TSW


Ancient Antiochene


Part Twenty-nine

“Antiochene Christian perspective.”

By presbyter Eric William King (September 2nd 2024)

As True Christians we believe in Freedom of Religion, freedom for each of us to choose (or not choose) his or her own spiritual path. Our Spiritual Path is our own choice. We also believe that the Ancient Patriarchs and Matriarchs of the past have handed down our Christian Wisdom and “religion” through numerous ages and dispensations of time. We believe that our true faith has been protected throughout time and is still being protected today by God’s Church, the Ancient Antiochene Church of God. We also believe in Freedom of Speech and that gives us a right to share with those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.

As True Christians we do not believe in forcing beliefs against ones own conscious. Nor do we believe that our religion is meant to take over the entire globe. We thank God for the freedoms that we still have, especially in America. We use our God given wisdom and understanding to help prevent wars and violence. We share a universal message of One God, and Forgiveness, Acceptance, Peace, and Love. With other Humanitarian groups we would agree in the basic hope of understanding the Brotherhood of man and Fatherhood of God.

We believe in having friendship with others who do not see things or believe in things the exact same way that we do. We do not believe that our faith is a “denomination” or so called “non-denomination”. We are simply “Christians”. We do not own specific buildings that we congregate in or worship in. We are not a “non-profit” organization and we do not ask for money nor do we collect tithes or offerings to exist. We are freely organized and follow the teachings and beliefs of our Christian Faith by the way we live our lives and within the construct of our own personal families.

Many of us choose differing Protestant Christian Churches to worship in and be involved with. In these churches we may belong to certain groups and programs which help others and promote the Christian Faith. We may promote Christian organizations monetarily as God directs us personally. Many of us Homeschool our children using Christian Curriculum of our own personal choosing - though homeschooling isn’t mandatory to be Christian.

As true Christians we are not a specific organization or group, we understand ourselves to be the “Living Spiritual Body of Christ” on Earth – and thus, a Spiritual Movement. Movement in the sense that we are constantly learning and growing. True Christianity is totally free. There are no forms, fees, fines, or contracts to sign. If one is Baptized in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and has truly accepted Jesus Christ as his or her only Savior, welcome.

We wish that all Christians keep growing in self-awareness to their relationship with Divine Intelligence. Make God’s ways the highest priority of your life and rest in our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ. One must not be in direct contact with us here to belong.

We have Christians now all over who worship in numerous Protestant denominations. Join us, the Ancient Antiochene Church of God. Again, there are no fines, fees, or forms to fill out and it costs nothing to become a true Christian. If you are baptized and believe, we accept you - fellow brother and sister. Simply study online here and share with others what you learn here.

We have truly been set free in our Lord, Jesus the Christ.

This is most certainly true.

Eric William King (September 2nd 2024)

All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.

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