The 144,000 - What is their Seal?
Above: Eric W. King gives a very basic description of what is going to
happen with the 144,000 and the importance of understanding
the Seventh Message which is being given by
"The Ancient Antiochene Church of God"

Preparing the Way for the 144,000
By Eric William King
Very soon the “Bride of Christ” will be gone. Shortly thereafter there will appear 144,000 Christians who have genetic bloodline connections to the original twelve tribes of Israel. These people will comprise a very special group of God’s chosen servants. They are chosen with the final message of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The training school for these special missionaries is found where God’s last-day people are. God’s people are His church. The true church today comprises a very small group of people. Unfortunately, just as ancient Israel went into Egyptian slavery so most of the Christian Church today has been mislead into accepting a false and complacent doctrine of Christ, which is a false gospel. This has lead the church into "spiritual Egypt”.
We look at the sorry condition of all the church denominations. They have resorted to rewriting the Gospel in order to gain members. God sent St Martin Luther like a “Moses” which pulled the fallen church out of “Egyptian bondage”. Yet today some are complaining like Israel of old. Some have built their “golden calves” and some are screaming for a “new leader”. Many have ran right back into Egypt.
When the Church leaves then all hell will break loose like never before. Those left behind will be crying for guidance. Some Christians will not be taken but will stay to help some of those left behind. These Christians will comprise a very special group known in Bible prophecy as “The 144,000”.
The 144,000 might start out as members of the Christian Church but are prepared to be “first class” tribulation saints. They actually prepare the way for that “rock” that hits the feet of the “manmade governments” statue found in Daniel 2:44-45.
It says that this coming Kingdom (represented by a “rock” – Christ & His Church) will eventually “fill the whole earth” (Daniel 2:35). This of course is explaining the setting up of the Millennial Kingdom on earth.
The Shepherds Way ministry truly understands the Gospel of the Kingdom of God and we are proclaiming it. If you are a Christian, is your church proclaiming the coming Kingdom of God? If not, why? When the church is gone only the 144,000 will be left to complete the shout – the message of the “coming Kingdom of God.”
The 144,000 will call in a “great multitude” which “no man can number” from every nation, kindred, tribe and tongue (Isaiah 66:19-24). They receive a special “seal” of protection which we read about in Revelation 7:1-8 & Ezekiel 9:1-11.
Through the toughest and roughest times God will use the 144,000 to press on. They will connect to literal Israel. They can be in contact with our ministry via internet if they appear shortly on seen, if the “appointed time” is near.
The 144,000 will be here on earth right before the rapture of the church. They will stay behind to finish the Great Work. This means that currently they could be feeding our ministry insight of major concern regarding just where our planet stands on the map of prophecy.
Our ancient Antiochene Records explain that the 144,000 saints will seem to appear out of nowhere but will eventually gain much media attention due to their preaching and announcing of the coming Davidic Kingdom.
Of course the Gospel of the Kingdom is the Gospel of Jesus Christ (Acts 28:30-31). The 144,000 will be stressing more doom on the fallen earthly governments, thus stressing the conquering Davidic Kingdom.
Just as God reserved 7000 under Ahab who refused to bow his knees to Baal so God has reserved a “remnant” of 144,000 special-class “Tribulation Saints”. They will be “sealed” with their Father’s name “in their foreheads”. This means that they will have the Gospel Message programmed into them in a powerful way.
These 144,000 will have blood-line connections to Literal Israel. In the “Book of Revelation” the 12 tribes that they come from are listed (Revelation 7:4-8). In the list the tribes Dan and Ephraim are omitted and the names Joseph and Levi are substituted. Dan and Ephraim were omitted because of their sins of idolatry (Deuteronomy 29:18-21) - they permitted Jeroboam to set up “Golden Calves”.
Thus the tribes of Dan and Ephraim must go through the Great Tribulation with “unsealed” protection. The 144,000 will proceed to call in the Great Multitude (Revelation 7:9-14). The 144,000 will “sing a new song” about their experience that only they can learn (Revelation 14:1-5). They have “not defiled themselves with women, for they kept themselves pure” and “They follow the Lamb wherever He goes.” Indeed, they will be “bright lights” during the Great Tribulation.
Please continue your studies with us here at “The Shepherds Way” & “Nugget of Truth”.
Eric William King (May 25th 2020)

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