Saturday, June 27, 2020

Christianity and Druidism

Christianity and Druidism

By Eric William King

Almost all the world religions teach about or talk about a “nether world”. God created all humans with an innate “knowing” of the spiritual reality. We are created in God’s image -so to speak- and thus we are spiritual. 

The Christian Bible is very specific in explaining the creation of our material world. In fact, our Christian Bibles were written by numerous authors and over several thousand years of history and cultural changes yet the Bible is in complete harmony with itself and its message. Numerous Bible prophecies are fulfilled and historically documented as actually happening. 

The God of the Bible confirms His message with covenants and prophecy. No other religious book does this. God is exact. 

It is interesting that some students of religion find interesting connections between Druidry and Christianity. Druidism comes to light in Britain during the 18th century and seems to be a cultural movement which relied on many of the great myths of the Celts. What is fascinating is that the very early Druids called themselves “Christians”. Why? Is there a connection? 

Some say that there is a connection in that some of the most ancient stories in Glastonbury point to St Joseph of Arimathea traveling there with young Jesus as a “trader of tin” which was bought by Rome and used by the Romans. Many Christians believe that the so called “missing years of Christ” were spent in Britain and particularly Glastonbury

Did the young Jesus go there and study while on journeys with his “uncle”, St Joseph of Arimathea? There is documentation that suggests that He in fact did. What of the Druids that He may have come into contact with while there? 

Well, these early Druids believed in an ultimate “Triune God” which to them was represented by three “golden rays of light”. They also believed in a coming savior that they called “Yesu”. Jesus in Hebrew is “Yeshua”. The Romans and the Greeks were familiar with one of the “triad” creeds of the Druids which was; The three duties of every man: Worship God; be just to all men; die for your country. Sounds like a Christian statement to me. 

Early Druidism spread into Asia Minor, where the original seven churches mentioned by the Apostle John were located. Plato himself stated that all the rich and true philosophy stemmed from the region of the West…ancient Britain

Ancient Antiochene Records and Druidism

In what we here at TSW call our “Ancient Antiochene Library” we have found some interesting correlations between Druidry and Christianity. The Druids truly respected God’s creation. They understood “nature”, “seasons”, and “animals” but they also believed in a “spiritual world” or “nether world” which was beyond this material plane of existence. 

They were certainly not what one might call “materialists”, they learned to live simple lives and use their bodies more than sit still. Earliest Druidism did not teach nor believe in “reincarnation”, which was introduced into a latter Druidism. They did believe in “life after death”. Some try and say that reincarnation was their earlier belief but not so. It was the eastern traditions which influenced latter Druidry (True Druidism is from the West). 

They did believe that all life had “personality” which included trees, plants and all animals. True Christians believe this also. Today the so called New Age movement is giving a lot of misinformation about the earliest Druidry to try and promote such things as “reincarnation” and “hippie tree hugger” nonsense. 

Achieving Great Spirit or “God guided” Wisdom was a goal of the Druid. The Druids prayed for peace and they were very artistic. They told wonderful parables involving stories of love. Trees would sometimes represent people in their stories of old. Stones were used to mark special places and events. They also used stones for calendars and star maps to measure and count the seasons. 

Sexual activity was moral and sacred to the true Druids of old. Love and respect towards all life was extremely important, they would have most certainly rebuked abortion. They believed in the sacredness of marriage. The Druids were not vegetarian. They did eat meat respectfully. They were nonviolent but would defend themselves if must needs be, just as modern Christians will

Most people who claim to be practicing some form of Druidism today have added so much modern nonsense to ancient Druidry that it (todays fanaticism) is really not Druidism at all but a bunch of New Age hodge-podge

I hope this sparked your interest to return. I hope to be doing some more really interesting articles on this subject. Christianity has spoken to other faiths in ways that many people are not aware of. I hope to continue to bring these subjects to light. As an Ancient Antiochene Christian I want to help others understand how truly rich and awesome our Christian faith is. Stay tuned! 

Eric William King (June 27th 2020)

 Also Watch.....

*Jesus in England

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