Tuesday, June 30, 2020

“They will pick up Snakes….”

“They will pick up Snakes….”

By Eric William King

Jesus stated of His followers; “They will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all….” (Mark 16:18) What does Jesus mean by this? Our Ancient Antiochene Records tell us that this was a Hebrew Idiom. We even find many similar idioms in our Dead Sea Scroll records. This idiom basically means that true regenerated Christians are filled with a power which helps them cope with issues that non-believers do not have. 

This ending found in the gospel according to Mark is sometimes called “the longer ending” and is not found in the earliest transcripts of Mark. Our Ancient Antiochene records show that it may have been added by a disciple of Christ named Aristion, or Ariston. It is based on information taken from the book of Acts written by Luke. 

God made sure that it stayed in the finished book of Mark for a reason. All Scripture is inspired of God (2nd Peter 1:20-21). No Scripture is isolated from another, all work together in unison. We find similar idiomatic statements in the Dead Sea Scrolls such as those located in “The Damascus Document” where the “kings of the people” are referred to as “asps”. 

Those Christian students who have been studying here at “The Shepherds Way” are familiar with our studies regarding the Kenites. For us the Kenites are the true “serpents”. Mark 16:18 states that when we are confronted with the seductive (Greek: “exapatao”) Kenites and their false doctrines (their poison), we need not fear, we can handle them with the Truth. Jesus refers to their false doctrine as “leaven” (Matthew 16:6). 

Kenites Then and Now

Later on in Bible history we find that many Kenites accepted Yahwism and were incorporated into the tribe of Judah. By the time of Jesus Christ some of the Jews had ancestry line connections to the Kenites. The Kenites are in many bloodlines today. 

The Kenites are here to disrupt Christians and try to mislead God’s true children. One of the first and obvious signs of a Kenite is an aggressive hatred towards Ancient Antiochene Christianity. Anybody can “turn” Kenite. It is a sad and dark spiritual condition

There are some people born who do not have the “gift of faith”, not all have it (2nd Thessalonians 3:2). As Christians we pray for everybody and keep the faith. Our work is to share and live the Gospel of Jesus Christ. God is ultimately in control. 

Originally Christians were called “Followers of the Way” (Acts 9:2; Acts 22:4; Isaiah 35:8). We were first called “Christians” in Ancient Antioch (Acts 11:26). False Christians and corrupt religious leaders were called; “Followers of the Way of Cain” (Jude 11). 

Remain in the Truth…God’s Word - it shall set ye free

Eric William King (June 29th 2020)

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