Friday, October 8, 2021

God Remains Faithful


In troubling times, God remains Faithful to fulfill His promises

by Lorraine Taylor

"We know that all things work together for good, for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose?" Romans 8:28 NRSV

Believers, you, I, and we are personally and intricately loved by God whose holiness grasps hold of each human being. It is the pursuit of divine love who is orchestrating all events, all circumstances, and all challenges, inviting each one nearer to his passion.

The ‘things’ that occur can be ones allowed, consequences from poor choices, and/or things that happen from other people's actions. These ‘things’ usually happen outside our control and often are unexpected circumstances that come out of the blue.

That troublesome ‘thing’ could be; relational conflict, trauma, mental illness, sickness, death of a loved one, changed plans, being blindsided, being unfairly attacked, being lied about, being unjustly treated.   

When processing the emotions from that ‘thing’; doubt, fear, anxiety, worry, we can remind ourselves it is the life of Christ whose love benefits us to overcome when we often feel stretched beyond human capacity to endure the significant difficulties experienced.  

Yet, we can recognize the necessary path of the disciple is one of much sorrow, pain, and suffering.

It is in this misery we learn that letting go of what the self wants to do, how the self wants to react, how the self wants to 'fix' or how the self wants to assert, is where we discover our greatest need to simultaneously surrender in absolute devotion to this Spirit-being-love.

In relinquishing our wanting and yielding to God’s heavenly love, we are offered Grace to receive the fullness of his love. We are offered Grace to respond from his love. We are offered Grace to release his love.

When encountering adverse events, we are invited to trust in the reigning faithfulness’ of our Father to fulfill his promise to work out his goodness from the situation, even when we fail to see his hand in it.

The overcoming that is possible is when you, I and we collectively allow God’s love to flourish as the sufficient source of his promised provision of Grace.  


Lorraine Taylor lives in Upstate NY with her husband. Her first book: Hope Rises from a Shattered Innocence is soon to be listed on Amazon and other forums.

*Visit "The Shepherds Way" online Christian Reading Room

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