True Christianity a life process......
God loves all sinners who come to Him as they truly are. All of us will struggle with some sins until we are called home to live eternally with Divine Creator, Heavenly Father. True conversion is demonstrated not by being perfect but by never giving up your relationship with God, no matter what!
God is raising His true children up...the Trinity being our Divine Parent. The Holy Spirit always pointing us to Jesus Christ. Prophecy helps lead, guide, direct and protect us as we have the Divine Blueprint (the Seven Sealed Scroll) of God's ultimate plan. Being a Christian doesn't happen "all at once". The second we truly accept God into our lives through Jesus Christ we have salvation and have entered into a lifelong, eternal long relationship with God.
True Christians never lose a repentant attitude. No matter what our sins are we can always come to God in truth and humility. He is always ready to forgive and counsel us into better living and understanding of His Truth...not "our truth". When you feel distant from God it is not because He is far is because you are not being honest with Him in some area of your life. Never give up and keep your mind on the Kingdom of God. We as His true children will all someday soon live in Paradise where no more sin will be allowed. We have the GOOD NEWS!
Eric William King (June 25th 2022)

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