Saturday, July 16, 2022

TSW - Warnings for America


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Eric's every Saturday Insight!

Happy Independence Day - 4th of July 2022

The Bible teaches that when a nation forgets it’s God it has chosen a downward course. Today we see less and less Christians in America. There is so much disrespect for others amongst her people. God has warned over and over in His word what happens to a nation that once trusted Him but now chooses to ignore and forget Him. 

In Judges 3:5-8 we find God’s people starting to marry pagans and trust in pagan gods. God warned His people not to intermingle with Godless people and or pagans who corrupt the moral stability of the nation. Instead of trusting in the True God the people form committees and make their own rules based on feeling and emotionno static morality

Peace Committee” after peace committee and “can’t we just forget our moral differences and just do what we feel?” God’s people have no longer trained their children in the Word of God and have stopped fighting the spiritual battle, all guards are down. 

Compromisers of the true faith now outnumber the true Christians. Christians have stopped their battle. Lightheaded and weak, the church now gives in to the chorus of so called “supermen” and “superwomen” who think that they no longer need a Divine Intelligence to guide them, nope, the latest book by Oprah will sufficeth. 

Read some of Eric's important messages.................................

*When the Satellites fall...WW3 will Commence!

*Iran in Africa 

*Extreme Anxiety & Change

*Putin won't get what he wants

*The coming food shortage

*Abortion 2022

*Predictions going into June 2022 and into Next Year!


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