Saturday, March 16, 2024

ILuminosity of True Christianity ~ Part One

 ILuminosity of True Christianity ~ Part One

ILuminosity of True Christianity

Thoughts to ponder for Part One

"Man's historical existence has been shewn to involve him in a bondage from which he cannot escape by his own efforts. His existence is in contradiction with his true destiny, which is a life lived in the love and fellowship of God. By his original decision, man sets himself over against God and opens up an abyss between his own sinful state and the divine holiness. He centers his life in himself or loses himself in the forces of nature. His pride becomes demonic or sensuality holds him in its grip." ~ Eric C. Rust


We Christians cannot talk about loving God until we come to grips with our own raging passion for ourselves. We can not and will not love anyone but ourselves until we meet God in a way that stirs us to race after Him with single-minded intensity, until our deepest desire is to get to know Him better.”

“And that’s our problem. In a culture so thoroughly devoted to life now, and in a church drenched with teaching on self-improvement and building happier lives, we can’t easily develop a passion for something other than our immediate satisfaction. The historic church, in its role as embassy of a foreign kingdom, taught that the chief end of people is to glorify God and enjoy Him forever; the modern church too often teaches that the chief end of God is to gratify people.

“We must return to our earlier understanding that personal fulfillment is not the highest value, that the well-being of any individual matters less than the glory of God, and that we will find ourselves only when we look for God first.” ~ Dr. Larry Crabb


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