Tuesday, September 10, 2024

"Mystery of the true Nazoreans." ~ TSW


Ancient Antiochene


Part Thirty-four

“Mystery of the true Nazoreans.”

By presbyter Eric William King (September 9th 2024)

In previous lectures and studies, I have established our connection to the original Essene and Nazorean groups. Here I wish to share even more ancient knowledge with you regarding the First Church. Sadly, a group from the original followers of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ, after the ascension of our Lord, did not accept nor truly understand the magnitude of the New Covenant which John the Baptist and Jesus ushered in. They did not understand that Old Israel had entered into a New Covenant – they could if they wished. So, they held on to many aspects of the Mosaic Law that had become fulfilled in the life of Jesus Christ (such a diet laws & day keeping rules). This group was known as the Ebionites (the “poor ones”) and in essence they were Christian Judiazers. Latter in St. Paul’s ministry he confronts these people and tries to correct them. They are referenced in some of his epistles.

These Ebionites were still called “Nazoreans” or at least understood as a sect of the original Nazoreans. The early Nazoreans split into two groups, one who accepted Jesus Christ and the New Covenant and second,  those who accepted Jesus but rejected the fulness of the New Covenant and are referred to by historians as “1st Century Nazoreans”. This can get confusing but the reality is, many Nazoreans were also called Essenes sometimes because both groups intermingled and a large group of Essenes joined the Nazoreans who followed St. John the Baptist and St. James, brother of our Lord – these became what started the true Jesus movement. Combined they were called “followers of the Way”.

Those Nazoreans who rejected the bulk of Jesus’s true teachings were taken over by Simon the Sorcerer (Acts 8:9), and eventually by Mani who became popularly known in the Mandaeans eventuating in Manichaeism which still, to this day, exists in southern Iraq. These are what we call the “second century Nazoreans”. Their ordained priests to this day are called, Nasoreans. They have distorted the sacred original teachings of Christ and have developed a false doctrine regarding “the truth hidden by the seven” - (A sacred Doctrine of Jesus Christ which we, the true Antiochene Church, still protect to this day.)

So, we begin to understand that schisms of the “faith once delivered” started early on. Eventually, when we get to Acts 11:26 the true followers of Jesus Christ get their final title, “Christians”. Even to this day, we are called Christians. One thing we must add to this early history is the fact that after the death and ascension of Jesus Christ, James, the brother of our Lord, and Apostle John stayed behind in Jerusalem and protected the original doctrines. James was still seen by many as the Leader of the original Essenes. These Jerusalem “followers of the Way” started to become known as “the Johannites”. This due to two things: John the Baptist and his original teachings and now St. John the Apostle who showed how it all came together in Jesus Christ. Both St. James (Brother of our Lord) and St. John the Apostle  continued teaching small groups in Jerusalem and finally they fled to Ephesus before Rome overtook Jerusalem in 70 A.D.

As mentioned in a previous study, there is a mystery about St. John’s life which we will cover latter. Here we will say that it is true that St. John took care of Mother Mary in her older age. Shortly before the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. he left with disciples and Mother Mary to Ephesus where they lived for some time. This is documented by Nicephorus in the Ecclesiastical History 2,2.

St. John is “the disciple whom Jesus loved.”

We are learning the true history of our beloved brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus.

This is most certainly true.

Eric William King (September 9th 2024)

Note: Throughout time the title Nazorean has developed many different ways of spelling.

All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.

Pastor John is a family pastor. A Patriarch of the True Faith.

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