Tuesday, September 10, 2024

"The Fist Church revealed." ~ TSW


Ancient Antiochene


Part Thirty-three

“The First Church revealed.”

By presbyter Eric William King (September 9th 2024)

Jesus Christ was raised in the Nazorean Sect. His followers, including the Apostle Paul, were called followers of “the Nazorean Sect” in Acts 24:5 & vs.14. Paul in this verse confirms that he is a member. In our “Ancient Antiochene Lectures” we have documented this topic in detail and have explained just where we came from as Christians. Those who followed the “Way” were referred to by the religious teachers of Christ’s day to be those who comprised the Nazorean Sect. The followers of “the Way”, of which John the Baptist was a Hierophant, actually were a true “Branch” of what was known as the Essenes Sect. We could say, being more accurate, that it was a coming together of a specific remnant of the original Nazoreans and Essenes that comprised the true followers of St. John the Baptist and ultimately, Jesus Christ – their message was called “the Way”.

They believed in the coming of two anointed ones, a Regal Messiah and a Priestly Messiah. Some of the early followers of “the Way” believed that St. John the Baptist may have been one of the two but John corrects them stating that he is fulfilling a different prophecy. He is the one spoken of by Malachi the prophet. The prophecy spoke of an “Elijah to come” which would “prepare the Way of the Lord.” (Malachi 4:5-6) Some scholars know this, but many have had this knowledge hid from their eyes. Jesus Christ’s literal younger brother, James was actually the head Presbyter of the Essenian sect that joined with St. John the Baptist’s ministry. So, in this sense, there was a “church” before the “Church”.

St. John the Baptist pointed to Jesus as the Messiah who was come (John 1:29). Jesus and John were actually blood related. John being the “second cousin” of Jesus - both John and Jesus being of priestly descent. Even though John the Baptist came from the Essene group, which deeply understood Messianic prophecy, it was a new impulse from the Holy Spirit that sent him forth on his new mission to prepare “the Way” for Jesus. Jesus actually fulfilling both “seats” of the Messiah Message. Jesus first came as the Lamb (Priestly Messiah), He left as the High Priest, and He comes again as the King of kings and Lord of lords (Regal Messiah). He fulfils the prophecies of both Messiahs and is in fact the ultimate Prophet, Priest, and King.

The Christian Church itself becomes the "mystery Kingdom" organization between both “seats” (pillars) of the Messiah. We are currently experiencing the Dispensation of Grace, the Sixth Dispensation - Jesus Christ being the Keystone.

Christians were identified as “the followers of the Way” for some years before we get to Acts 11:26. We discover that it was in Ancient Antioch that they were first called “Christians” - not by themselves but this was a title given to them by the curious. St. Paul accepted the title with honor because it pointed to the fact that the true message is all about “the Christ”- thus “Christian”. It was also in Ancient Antioch that numerous Gentiles from all over the globe first became members of the now, Christian Church – the First Christian Church – Antiochene Ecclesia.

By reading this you now have a connection with that First Church. We are the original remnant of the “Ancient Antiochene Church of God” – no other church claims this authority. Jesus stated that He would build “His church” and that nothing could destroy it (Matthew 16:18). We recognize that Christians from many of the different so-called denominations and non-denominations are in fact also True Christians. God’s true Church is not denominated. True Christians are members of Christ’s Spiritual Body on planet Earth – and have the True Gospel. They are truly “Born Again”. They have accepted the seventh counsel to the Church of Laodicea and have awakened to become Antiochene Christians – the Church of the Firstborn.

We must remember that God tells us in His Word that ultimately, we (Christians) are different from this Fallen World. Once a person becomes Born Again into Christ, “behold, all things become new.” You can find answers to many difficult questions with us in God’s Word. The Seventh Epochal Revelation is inviting Christians out of their lukewarm condition, out of Laodicea and into the Awake Antiochene Church of God.

We have the true hierophantic teachings of Christ.

We are the remnant of the First Church.

This is most certainly true.

Eric William King (September 9th 2024)

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