Saturday, September 7, 2024

"The problems with Fundamentalism." ~ TSW


Ancient Antiochene


Part Thirty-two

“The problems with Fundamentalism.”

By presbyter Eric William King (September 7th 2024)

We, “The Ancient Antiochene Church of God", are the First Church and we hold to the El Elyon Revelations given to us throughout all ages and dispensations of Human time. We are not “Fundamentalist Christians” and we are not a denomination or non-denomination – we are simply Christian.

When we look through the first five dispensations according to our own theology, we see that the Fallen World Religions that developed had done much harm. They have unfortunately sometimes crippled civilization. They have created wars and tyranny. Even Divine Intelligence in early revelatory phases of Yahweh had to provoke such movements to keep Human survival protected. Early religion focused on stern dogma and capsulated revelation in so much so that it silenced continued growth.

Even Directed-evolutionary religion makes mistakes and sometimes holds to error. It was difficult for early Humanity to grasp the depth of many of the simple revelations it had been given by Yahweh. We must not see all of this as a bad thing. The sparks of true religion helped create restriction on violence, personal responsibility for bad moral decisions. It created a self-control and fear of something (Someone) greater than itself. It helped create and manage early government. It is dishonest to reject the good that it has done.

We must understand that all of Humanity is in a “growing up” stage. It is guided, whether one wants to believe it or not, by God. In today’s world which wishes to be guided only by reason and technology there is created an animosity towards the “new way” by fundamentalists. This is a normal response. Sadly though, it has created the radical Fundamentalist Groups who tend to mimic the old zealots of ancient past.

Extreme fundamentalists oppose pluralism and what we Christians have called "New Age" religious ideas. Many of these groups become militant. Again, we “The Ancient Antiochene Church of God” are Christian and we hold to what others might refer to as “Christian Values”. This does not mean that we are not tolerant and we do understand that we are all still growing. This doesn’t change our core values and beliefs; it broadens them and creates greater understanding. Our Christian “religion” is a revelatory religion. We believe in directed-evolutionary revelation.

When we use the term “directed-evolution” we mean that it is God who creates all physical matter into what He designs and wishes according to His will. We believe in instantaneous creation, what one might call Punctuated Equilibrium. We also believe that God creates Ex-Nihilo – out of nothing, or no-thing. We do not believe it to be arrogant to say that we have “The Truth”. How would anybody know unless they tested it? We do not accept this by arrogance nor with arrogance but with plain and simple humility.

True religion would do good to study the differences it may have with others and to take the best and join it to the growing mountain of Truth. We believe that God has spoken to and through other religions besides Christianity and still does today. True Christianity means progression in spiritual growth. We have a static doctrinal foundation to build on, given to us by Divine Intelligence and substantiated by Historical Facts and Figures. Even true science plays a role in unfolding the truths of God’s precious word. God’s Word, Sola Scriptura is our foundation.

Our religion is revelatory guided by Divinely directed-evolution. We pray that you continue to study with us here at “The Shepherds Way” and “Nugget of Truth”. We are currently in the time of what we call the Seventh Epochal Revelation – The Seventh Message.

God continues to speak and reveal His truths to us.

This is most certainly true.

Eric William King (September 7th 2024)

All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.

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