Ancient Antiochene
Septenary Mysteries.”
By presbyter Eric William King (September 5th
The word
“septenary” simply means “having to do with the number seven”. In our theology
we say that it points to cycles of seven and it represents “completion”. God
does speak through numbers. There is nothing in the Holy Scriptures placed
there arbitrarily. Here is a list of the numbers one through seven and their
Biblical meanings;
The number 1 :
Can mean unity but in a deeper sense it points to not-comprehensible Reality.
The number 2 :
This is the number of syzygy, union. Also, can represent that which creates.
The number 3 :
Triple conjunction. This number is very sacred in all dimensions. Divinity.
The number 4 :
The number of physical matter. The world number. Physical foundation.
The number 5 : Something
new. Division. Constant experience through five senses. Alive.
The number 6 :
The number of man. On Earth as in Heaven. Not yet complete.
The number 7 :
Fulness, Completion. Sometimes perfection.
In the
Scriptures we see the number seven frequently, especially in regards to Bible
prophecy. We have the counsel to the Seven Churches. We have the Seven Seals.
We have the Seven Trumpets. We have the Seven Bowls of God’s Wrath, etc. Jesus
spake what is called the famous: “Seven Words from the Cross”. Also, we have
the Seven Heavens.
When we dissect
the entire Bible, we see that God has a Master Plan which makes up Seven
Dispensations of time. Each dispensation is introduced by seven main covenants.
We also have the Seven Days (yoms) of creation in the beginning of the Bible.
There are seven days in the week. There are seven visible spheres from Earth
that we can watch in the nighttime sky. These spheres are:
Jesus gives His
last important counsel to “the Seven Churches”. We are currently in the Seventh
Church Era which is that of Laodicea. We are currently to take important notice
of and heed the Seventh Counsel. This is part of the ministry of our Church,
“The Ancient Antiochene Church of God”. Another very important number, which we
shall discuss latter, is the number eight. This number is seen in the creation
of things and denotes the “New Creation” and “Eternity”.
The number 7
and the number 12 seem to be the most significant numbers used in Scripture. We
will reveal more on the topic of numbers in the Bible as we proceed in our
studies. Stay with us here at “The Shepherds Way” and “Nugget of Truth”. You
are always welcome... fellow Antiochene Christian.
We are learning
more about how God speaks through numbers.
This is most
certainly true.
Eric William
King (September 5th 2024)

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Understand the Seven Thunders!
Above: The Prophetic Finality! Understand the Seven Thunders.
A last prophetic message for our time. By E.W. King
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