Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Antiochene Oracle Two


Antiochene Oracle Two

READ: These Oracles contain personal beliefs & opinions that may be offensive.

If you are sensitive to moral issues and religion, please use caution in proceeding.



Exposing the Program of False Ideology

Those in charge of Human government have underestimated just how smart many regular people are, and have become since the internet activation. One great and marvelous thing that Computer Internet capabilities has allowed is the true Church of God to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ at a remarkable speed to the ends of the Earth.

Soon, and very soon, the Fallen One will gain more control not only over “freedom of speech” but also control over what is publicly published on the internet. We will see this happen more rapidly within the next few years. The Fallen One cannot allow the main populace to get more educated on the True things of Divine Intelligence – he wishes all to stay blind.

We urge all of our Christian students to start collecting good Christian books and Biblical commentary (articles & letters) in safe places – in their homes. Read and study every day. Print good Christian information that you find online before it is taken down. We have noticed how the power of the Fallen One has manipulated his unconscious workers to begin to isolate certain websites and take others completely down. We too monitor this behavior.

Those who work for the Fallen One have become brainwashed to hate Christians and anything to do with the subject. When Christianity is brought up, we watch their horns rise up – anger blossoms.

Regarding television commercials, you should mute them when they come on and pay little if no attention to them. They are created, edited and produced to control the Human mind. Many that work for the big corporations in this field are actually trying to promote the False Program, the ideology of the Wicked One. Most of these controllers do not understand just how truly educated the AACG (God’s Church) is. Sadly, the majority of the masses have a hard time seeing through the magic-tricks of the deluded fallen mind-controllers.

It is through the controlled media that the mind control takes first place. As we watch the politicians laugh at all of those supposedly “under them” they have forgotten who is truly over them – God. We know of the Good Watchers from space, God’s watchers. The fallen government will soon be surprised at the sights which are coming just over head. The mass crafts that will soon make themselves known will be a wake-up call to Humanity. Will the leaders humble themselves? Or will they shrug their shoulders and pretend not to notice the big guy behind the curtain?

We have predicted, and rightly so, the soon coming signs in the heavens. Some of these will be of natural origin and others will be of supernatural origin. New lights are to soon appear in our skies – these help proclaim Halo Communications to Planet Earth - Warnings from God's Word.

Take note: These Oracles are not meant to scare you but to keep you hinged to the Word of God. We do not add anything to Sola Scriptura – nor could we. It is okay to still enjoy the peaceful places of this planet. We urge Christians to get outside more often, take nature walks. Take walks where trees and animals are witnessed. Even if you live in the city, you can find a good walkway someplace not too far from home. Enjoy time with your children, family members, or pets.

If there is water near you enjoy it. Look up when there are clouds and see the wonders of God. Read good books. Do not spend all day on the internet or phone. Turn them off sometimes.

Get out at night sometimes and enjoy the stars and planets of heaven. Peace and harmony can still reign in your everyday life. Live simple, live clean, enjoy your quiet time, thank God. Keep in communication with Heavenly Father and congregate with other Christians when you can.

In the meantime – always study with us here and share the Faith.

Thus ends the Second Oracle.

Halo Communications to Planet Earth ~ (September 4th 2024)

  Protected by AACG. Permission has been given to share this article.

READ: Past Heavenly Sign Warnings

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