Tuesday, September 10, 2024

"The Damascus Mystery." ~ TSW


Ancient Antiochene


Part Thirty-five

“The Damascus Mystery.”

By presbyter Eric William King (September 9th 2024)

Let us take a look at early Damascus. We will find this area to be an interesting and dynamic place before and during the time of Jesus Christ. This is the capital city of Syria. It is famous for its orchards and numerous gardens. These were irrigated by the ancient Abana (Barada) rivers. Its name comes from an ancient Egyptian word. According to the Ancient Antiochene Church the meaning of this word (Damascus) is said to be a secret.

The area of Damascus has been inhabited since ancient, prehistoric times. The ancient Assyrians fought for this land and eventually took it over at one time. Syrian deities were once worshiped there. From 64 B.C. to A.D. 33 it was a Roman city. By the time of Apostle Paul, the city had many synagogues. We must understand that many religious movements developed in Damascus and rested there during the beginning of the Christian time (30 A.D.), this included those from the early Nazorean sects and Essenian sects. Damascus became a subsidiary of Ancient Antioch and was a melting pot of Hellenized Jews, mixed Gentile Jews, Pagans, and the theology of these groups mixed with Greek philosophy and Egyptian theology. It was a location of radical intellectualism and political debate.

Early Christians felt safe in Damascus because of its ecumenical and liberal reputation. Less persecution was practiced in its rural regions. These regions were ruffly about 70 miles or so from the Sea of Galilee. Most of Jesus’s ministry occurred in Galilee. There were strong trading roads from Antioch and Galilee to Damascus. There were many poor communities in Damascus. For almost two centuries some of the Essenes, from the outer initiates group, lived and hung out there. The famous “Damascus Document” found in the Dead Sea Scrolls shows proof of the early Essenian movement.

Before Apostle Paul’s conversion he began to persecute the Christians. This is recorded in the Book of Acts. After the stoning of Stephen, he was on his way to Damascus to persecute even more Christians. While on his way to do so, Jesus Christ appeared to him in vision. This caused the conversion of Apostle Paul to true Christianity.

I need to give out some very interesting information regarding the Nazorean sect, which also hung out in Galilee and Damascus. The Hebrew title “Nazorean” comes from the Hebrew root word, Netser – pronounced; nay-tser. It means “shoot” or “branch”. The early Messianic sect was called this because of the “Branch” prophecies regarding the coming Messiah found in the prophets. The Messiah is referred to as “the Branch”. They also taught the coming of the restored Davidic Kingdom, in this sense they were the first “Branch Davidians”.

There are more mysteries regarding the title “Nazorean” which we shall reveal very soon. The point of this short study was to reveal the territory of Damascus and show just what was going on in this region during the time of Jesus Christ. The world has changed and many new issues have arisen. If you are reading this and struggling with Christianity, I would invite you to study here with us, you may find new ways of looking at things and understanding things as a true Christian.

We are learning about Christian history.

This is most certainly true.

Eric William King (September 9th 2024)


All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.

In this lecture Eric explains these Mysteries!

Above: Learn how the ancient Nazorean sect had contact with the first Christian Church. This is fascinating knowledge that can be documented.

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