Saturday, October 5, 2024

"The Mystery of Body, Soul, & Spirit." ~ TSW


Ancient Antiochene


Part Forty-six

“The Mystery of Body, Soul, & Spirit.”

By presbyter Eric William King (October 5th 2024)

The Ancient Antiochene Church of God teaches that man has a basic “threefold nature”. The Bible teaches that we are body, soul, and spirit. We understand our material body as a vehicle through which the soul and spirit manifest. The physical body is “carnal” or “natural”. The physical body is mortal. It uses five physical faculties to guide itself though the material world.

These are the five senses that most all Humans have operative:






The Human “soul” is the gifted personality. No two persons have the same soul. The soul, along with the physical body is unique. God designed each one in eternity. King David said to God:

“Your eyes saw my substance, being yet unformed. And in Your book, they all were written, The days fashioned for me, When as yet there were none of them.” (Psalm 139:16)

The soul is developed, along with the physical body, throughout life. For the Christian the soul develops much differently than the soul of a spiritually “fallen person”. The Human mind is the arena where the personality develops. To the “born again” Christian the Holy Spirit is injected into the Human mind. The Holy Spirit dwells within the Christian. The Human mind and the Holy Spirit become conscious of each other. The Christian soul begins to take on the qualities of the Divine Nature through the revealed will of Divine Intelligence (God).

The Human “spirit” is also unique. It is the inner “image of God”, it is eternal. The spirit is the true “gift of life”. When a person becomes wedded to the Holy Spirit, it joins with the Human spirit. Thus, the person truly becomes a “child of God”. This contractual spiritualization is a mystery. During life the Human will is the personal force which decides, makes decisions. When the human will is directed and corrected by the Divine Parent the power in choice making becomes illuminated.

When a human dies the spirit and soul of the person returns to God who gave it (Ecclesiastes 12:6-7). To be complete, it must gain a resurrected supernatural body. Though there are many spirits with God right now, they are awaiting their resurrected bodies. The Christians will receive their new bodies (vehicles) at the end of our current Ecclesiastical Dispensation. Here on planet Earth we are experiencing the sixth dispensation of our current space-time continuum. It is my hope that all who study here begin to grasp the importance of who you are in Christ Jesus. This life is not a game, it is a special gift.

A person may be learned in psychology and philosophy but truly unlearned in God’s word. Many place the word of men and women above the word of Divine Intelligence. This is sad. Our loving Creator has given us His word to learn from. We get to truly know our Creator and love Him. I hope that you stay with us here at “The Shepherds Way” and “Nugget of Truth”.

We are learning about Heavenly Father and our relationship with Him.

This is most certainly true.

Eric William King (October 5th 2024)


All rights reserved. Permission has been given to share this article.

Above: E.W. King explains: What is the Human soul? What about eternal life?

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